Course Catalog

Payment Methods and Policies

Charges for tuition, fees, residence, and any prior balance must be paid in full each semester before a student may attend classes. A student’s registration is complete and official when the student has completed registration and has settled all charges with Student Financial Services. Students are urged to complete payment in full by the due dates of August 1st for the fall semester, December 15th for the spring semester, and May 5th for the summer semester. Simmons cannot assure that payments received after the due date will be processed in time to clear the student’s official registration. Students who do not settle their accounts prior to the first day of classes may have to select courses on a space-available basis. Students whose payments are received after the due dates will be charged a $200 late payment fee ($100 is assessed at the due date; an additional $100 is assessed on the first day of the term). A fee of $20, in addition to the above late payment fees, will be charged for any dishonored check.

Simmons University provides the convenience of making quick and easy online payments toward your student account balance. MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover are accepted. Please note that a service fee of 2.85% of the total payment amount will also be charged to the credit card. Simmons neither charges nor collects the service fee. You may also make a check payment online using the Electronic Check option. There is no fee for an Electronic Check payment. Students can gain access to both the Electronic Check and Credit Card payment options using the online Student Account Center accessible through AARC.

Authorized Users -- individuals such as parents, an employer, a spouse, etc. -- can make payments on behalf of a Simmons student after the student grants access. When access has been granted, the Authorized User will receive an email with instructions to create a login and make payments. Authorized Users only have access to the financial information the student has made available to them through the online Student Account Center. They will not have access to other information in AARC such as grades or registration information.

Payment by paper check should be mailed to either of the two addresses stated below:

Payment with Billing Stub:

Simmons University

PO Box 414104

Boston, MA 02241-4101

Payment without Billing Stub:

Simmons University

Cashier Window, W-207

300 The Fenway

Boston, MA 02115-5898

or presented at the Cashier Window in the Main College Building, W-207.

Simmons has partnered with Tuition Management Systems (TMS) to offer the Monthly Payment Plan. Payment plans are the sensible approach to paying education expenses. They allow for smaller, affordable payments instead of paying your balance in one large lump sum. Both annual and semester plans are available. Please visit for detailed enrollment information.


All students are required to e-sign a financial agreement in order to register each semester. Important sections of that financial agreement are included below:

The student account constitutes a financial obligation between the student and Simmons and reflects a balance owed for Educational Benefits. All students are required to e-sign the Financial Agreement to expressly authorize Simmons to charge to their account all tuition, fees, costs, interest, expenses and other charges incurred by the student as a result of attending Simmons.

All student account balances are payable in full according to the policy stated in the current Simmons Student Handbook. A late fee will be assessed for non-compliance with payment deadlines. Balances may be paid in full at any time prior to the deadline(s), and financial aid funds may be applied to current and new charges on the student account.

Educational Benefits that students receive from Simmons without advance payment are being provided on credit and such extension of credit by Simmons constitutes a qualified educational loan that may not be dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 523 (a) (8). This may be the case even if no actual funds are being advanced to the student or change hands, but are rather being applied as a pass-through, transfer or otherwise.

If it becomes necessary for Simmons to enforce payment of a student account, the student agrees to reimburse Simmons the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 33.33% of the debt, and all lawful costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, which Simmons may incur in such collection efforts.

Simmons retains a security interest in and/or hold on all unofficial and official transcripts, diplomas, certificates and letters of recommendation, or grade reports, which may not be released until all debts and the student account are fully paid. Withdrawal from Simmons may not relieve a student of the financial obligation for payment of tuition and fees in accordance with this Financial Agreement and the policy statement in the current catalog. Simmons, at its sole discretion, may prevent future registration until all financial obligations have been satisfied.

By signing the Financial Agreement, students authorize Simmons and its agents, representatives, attorneys and contractors (including collection agencies) to contact them regarding their student account and educational loan through my mobile phone, home phone and email, including current and future numbers and including by way of text, automated message calls or automated telephone dialing equipment or artificial or pre-recorded voice and text messages.

All notices required to be given by Simmons in connection with the student account or educational loan shall be deemed to have been delivered on the day deposited into the United States mail, properly addressed and postage prepaid. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their contact information with Simmons College is up to date and accurate.

Tuition and Residence Deposits

A non-refundable $250 tuition deposit is required of all candidates upon acceptance. The deposit is credited to the student account and appears as a credit on the first bill. The tuition deposited is forfeited if the student does not register for courses during the year for which they are accepted. A $250 residence deposit is required before a room can be reserved on campus. The residence deposit will remain on deposit as long as the student remains in on-campus housing. New students will receive information on how to accept their admission offer and pay their enrollment deposit in their acceptance materials.