Course Catalog

Expenses: 2020-2021

Tuition for full-time Simmons University undergraduates admitted prior to Fall 2017 (registered for 12 credits or more) is charged on a flat-rate basis. Tuition for the 2020–2021 academic year is $21,038 ($23,052 for nursing students) per semester.

Tuition for full-time undergraduates admitted after Fall 2017 (registered for 12-18 credits) is charged on a flat- rate basis. A traditional full-time undergraduate admitted after Fall 2017 who takes greater than 18 credits will be charged per credit for any credit over the 18 credit maximum. Tuition for full-time undergraduates formally admitted to an accelerated degree program (3+1, 3+3, 4+1) after Fall 2017 (registered for 12-22 credits) is charged on a flat-rate basis. A full-time undergraduate formally admitted to an accelerated degree program after Fall 2017 who takes greater than 22 credits will be charged per credit for any credit over the 22 credit maximum.

Tuition for part-time undergraduates (registered for fewer than 12 credits), flat-rate undergraduates registered over the credit maximum and Dorothea Lynde Dix Scholars is based on a $1,315 (non-nursing) and $1,440 (nursing) charge per credit hour of instruction.

In addition, all full-time undergraduates (12 or more semester hours per semester) and all part-time resident students must pay the Health Center Fee ($465 per semester). The Health Center Fee entitles a student to the services of the Simmons Health Center and is unrelated to the Student Health Insurance Plan. The cost for room and board for undergraduates is $7,790per semester.  All full-time undergraduates and full-time Dix Scholars pay a $155 per semester student Activity Fee, which supports a number of student-run activities and events. Students who Study Abroad will be charged a $1,250 Study Abroad Fee.

For a full-time undergraduate student, the following college budget is suggested:

Full-Year Budget (2020-2021)
Tuition Resident Commuter
Non-Nursing $40,850 $40,850
Nursing $44,760 $44,760
Residence $14,020*** N/A
Resident (Dix Scholars) $14,020*** N/A
Health Center Fee $837 $837
Student Activity Fee $230 $230
Student Health Insurance $4,241 $4,241
Non-Nursing Total $60,180 $
Nursing Total $63,331 $63,997
Approximately $1200 should be budgeted for books and supplies.

****Student Health Insurance is charged once per year to any student enrolled in 9 or more credits. If you do not wish to enroll in the school provided plan, you can waive it. The waiver must be completed once a year by the deadline. Learn more about Student Health Insurance. The updated insurance rate for the 2021-2021 academic year will be available in May.

***12 week Fall rate for students approved to live on campus until Thanksgiving break.


Simmons Student Health Insurance Plan

All students taking 9 or more credits are required by Massachusetts State law to enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan or be covered by a health insurance plan with comparable coverage. To ensure compliance with Massachusetts State law, Simmons students are automatically billed for the Student Health Plan, which is separate from the Health Center fee. Failure to submit a waiver form by the stated deadline will result in automatic enrollment. Students are not allowed to waive coverage with a foreign insurance carrier or Health Safety Net Plan. Only insurance companies within the United States will be accepted as substitutes for the Simmons Student Health Insurance Plan.

Simmons University does not offer Student Health Insurance to students enrolled in less than 9 credits OR to the dependent(s) of any Simmons student.
If you are covered under a comparable insurance plan you may be eligible to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan. Waivers must be completed online at the website of our insurance provider, The deadline to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan for the fall semester is August 1, 2020 and the deadline to waive for the spring semester is December 15, 2020. Failure to waive by these dates will result in mandatory enrollment with no possibility of reversal or refund of the insurance costs.