Special Education: Assistive Technology (M.S. Ed. or Ed. S.)


Madalaine Pugliese, Adjunct

Jennifer Edge-Savage, Associate Professor of Practice

Robert Tucker, Adjunct Faculty

Karen Janowski, Adjunct, Education

Jeanne Tuthill, Adjunct, Education

Brenda Doucette, Adjunct

Rachel Kuberry, Adjunct


Our program in Assistive Special Education Technology is designed to provide professional development for educators who wish to specialize in the field of assistive and adaptive technology. Faculty prepare educators and therapists for leadership roles in the implementation, evaluation and administration of assistive technology oriented teaching methods for learners with special needs. We focus on designing pragmatic accommodations for learners with special needs in general education settings who are participating in curriculum activities.

The 36-credit Assistive Special Education Technology program is one of the few programs nationwide that provides expert mastery in the specialized field of assistive and adaptive technology. Our innovative program teaches educators, therapists, media specialists, and others how to choose and use the best tools and methods for helping learners with special needs participate in the general education curriculum. For example, print material that might present barriers to children who are legally blind or have challenges with dyslexia can be offered via a universally designed digital device that transmits text in Braille or a read-aloud format. Hands-on assistive technology training ranges from "low-tech" tape recorders and digital clocks, to computers with synthesized speech, interactive educational software programs, and electronic portfolios.

Our hands-on curriculum combines current research and technology-based strategies to address topics such as adaptive access devices, software evaluation, alternative assessment methods, curriculum frameworks, universal design, and curriculum adaptations. Courses are offered on a weekend cohort model to accommodate working professionals.

Learning Outcomes

Requirements for entry into program


Including financing and fellowships / assistantships

$900 per credit hour

Activity Fee: $52/ semester hour

Delivery Mode or Modes Available (full-time, part-time, locations, technologies, etc.)

Simmons offers two offsite cohort locations; The Education Cooperative (TEC) in Dedham, Massachusetts and The Reading Institute (TRI) in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

Degree requirements

36 Credits

Core, Pre-requisite, and elective course requirements and progression, etc.

Due to the cohort model, all courses are scheduled in a sequential order and should be taken as they are offered.

SPND 422Differentiating Instruction Using_Technology Across the Curriculum


SPND 423Multimedia to Create Curriculum_Interventions


SPND 453Language and Cognitive Development and_Alternative Assessment Using Technology


SPND 456Curriculum Support for Learners With_Special Needs, Using Technology_Technology


SPND 458Curriculum Access Using Assistive_Technology Devices for Learners With_Special Needs


SPND 463Universal Classroom Design: Creating an_Accessible Curriculum in the Inclusive_Classroom


SPND 470Curriculum Modifications Using_Augmentative and Alternative_Communication Technologies


SPND 473Providing Specialized Curriculum and_Environmental Access Using Customized_Technology Tools


SPND 475Evaluation of Educational Software and_Internet Resources for Curriculum_Support


Capstone, placement, internship, practicum, etc.

Concentrations, specializations, etc.

Licensure, certification, etc.

Dual (and other) degree options (With what other degree programs may this program be combined?)

Other program information

Students may pursue a Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.) or an Education Specialist degree (Ed.S.) — an advanced degree that provides students who currently hold a master's degree with an area of educational specialization. Due to the cohort model, all courses are scheduled in a sequential order and should be taken as they are offered. The degree program can be completed in 15 months of study.