ANT101 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ART100 | Introduction to the Creative Experience | 3 |
ART104 | Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance | 3 |
ART105 | Art History from the Renaissance to the Present | 3 |
ART106 | Exploring the Arts | 3 |
ART108 | Three Dimensional Foundations | 4 |
ART109 | Two Dimensional Foundations | 4 |
ART111 | Drawing I | 4 |
ART112 | Drawing II | 4 |
ART115 | Digital Foundations | 3 |
ART130 | Introduction to Digital Photography | 3 |
ART140 | Computer Graphics | 3 |
ART141 | Digital Imaging I | 3 |
ART142 | Typography | 3 |
ART143 | Publication Design | 3 |
ART151 | Animation | 3 |
ART152 | Video | 3 |
ART153 | Introduction to Game Design | 3 |
ART160 | Art of the Graphic Novel | 3 |
ART208 | Sculpture I | 4 |
ART214 | Figure Drawing | 4 |
ART220 | Graphic Design/Visual Communication Seminar | 3 |
ART222 | Studio Lighting | 3 |
ART231 | Painting I | 4 |
ART232 | Painting II | 4 |
ART235 | Portfolio for Art | 1 |
ART241 | Digital Imaging II | 3 |
ART250 | Web Design | 3 |
ART253 | Motion Graphics | 3 |
ART254 | 3D Modeling | 3 |
ASL101 | Elementary American Sign Language I | 4 |
ASL102 | Elementary American Sign Language II | 4 |
ASL111 | Intermediate American Sign Language I | 4 |
ASL112 | Intermediate American Sign Language II | 4 |
ASL201 | Advanced American Sign Language I | 4 |
ASL202 | Advanced American Sign Language II | 4 |
ASL203 | American Sign Language Linguistics | 3 |
ASL205 | Deaf Literature & ASL Folklore | 3 |
BIO101 | Human Biology | 3 |
BIO102 | Human Biology Laboratory | 1 |
BIO103 | Human Nutrition & Health | 3 |
BIO104 | Human Nutrition & Health Laboratory | 1 |
BIO108 | Marine Biology | 4 |
BIO111 | Introductory Biology I | 4 |
BIO112 | Introductory Biology II | 4 |
BIO115 | Physiological Chemistry | 4 |
BIO117 | Field Studies in Natural Systems | 4 |
BIO121 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
BIO122 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
BIO215 | General Ecology | 4 |
BIO220 | Microbiology | 4 |
BIO225 | Topics in Biology Seminar | 3 |
BIO230 | Cell Biology | 4 |
CHM111 | College Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM121 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM122 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CHM201 | Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry | 4 |
CHM203 | Instrumental Analysis | 4 |
CHM221 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHM222 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
COM102 | Video Field Production | 3 |
COM105 | Film Studies | 3 |
COM111 | Public Speaking | 3 |
COM112 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COM113 | Principles of Public Relations | 3 |
COM115 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 3 |
COM199 | Communication Internship | 3 |
DAN101 | Dance Composition | 3 |
DAN121 | Ballet | 3 |
DAN128 | Hip-Hop Dance | 3 |
DAN131 | Jazz Dance | 3 |
DAN132 | Jazz Dance Techniques | 3 |
DAN141 | Modern Dance | 3 |
DAN142 | Modern Dance Techniques | 3 |
DAN147 | World Dance I | 3 |
DAN201 | Dance Performance | 3 |
DAN203 | Dance Pedagogy | 3 |
ECO201 | Micro Economics | 3 |
ECO202 | Macro Economics | 3 |
ENG101 | English Composition I | 3 |
ENG102 | English Composition II | 3 |
ENG103 | Technical Writing | 3 |
ENG111 | Creative Writing | 3 |
ENG113 | Creative Writing: Non-Fiction | 3 |
ENG115 | Creative Writing: Fiction | 3 |
ENG116 | Creative Writing: Poetry | 3 |
ENG117 | Screenwriting | 3 |
ERS110 | Earth Science | 3 |
ERS125 | Environmental Issues | 4 |
ERS130 | Meteorology | 4 |
ERS135 | Introduction to Astronomy | 4 |
ERS140 | Physical Geology | 4 |
FRN101 | Introductory French 1 | 3 |
FRN102 | Introductory French 2 | 3 |
GEO101 | Introduction to Geography | 3 |
GOV101 | American Government & Politics | 3 |
GOV102 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
GOV211 | Civil Rights & Liberties | 3 |
HIS101 | US History I | 3 |
HIS102 | US History II | 3 |
HIS111 | Western Civilization I | 3 |
HIS112 | Western Civilization II | 3 |
HIS121 | World Civilization I | 3 |
HIS122 | World Civilization II | 3 |
HIS201 | Recent US History | 3 |
HIS223 | The Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIS224 | Vietnam War | 3 |
HIS250 | World War II | 3 |
HIS253 | History and Film | 3 |
HIS255 | Quest for the Presidency | 3 |
HON200 | Honors Seminar | 3 |
HON201 | Honors Humanities | 3 |
HUM102 | Introduction to Liberal Arts | 3 |
HUM199 | Humanities Internship | 3 |
ITN101 | Introductory Italian 1 | 3 |
JRN101 | Journalism I | 3 |
JRN102 | Journalism II | 3 |
JRN201 | Copy Editing | 3 |
LIT200 | Introduction to Literary Studies | 3 |
LIT201 | American Literature I | 3 |
LIT202 | American Literature II | 3 |
LIT211 | British Literature I | 3 |
LIT212 | British Literature II | 3 |
LIT213 | Shakespeare Literature | 3 |
LIT215 | Dramatic Literature | 3 |
LIT220 | The Graphic Novel | 3 |
LIT231 | The Art of the Movies | 3 |
LIT251 | Mythology and Literature | 3 |
LIT262 | Poetry | 3 |
LIT263 | The Short Story | 3 |
LIT264 | The Novel | 3 |
LIT267 | Children's Literature | 3 |
LIT271 | World Literature I | 3 |
LIT272 | World Literature II | 3 |
LIT275 | International Experience in Literature | 3 |
LNG111 | Integrated Communication for Multilingual Learners 1 | 3 |
LNG112 | Writing for Multilingual Learners 1 | 3 |
LNG121 | Integrated Communication for Multilingual Learners 2 | 3 |
LNG122 | Writing for Multilingual Learners 2 | 3 |
LNG131 | Integrated Communication for Multilingual Learners 3 | 3 |
LNG132 | Writing Fusion for Multilingual Learners | 3 |
MAT114 | Math for Careers in Health Science | 3 |
MAT115 | Applied Mathematics | 4 |
MAT118 | Mathematical Ideas I | 3 |
MAT119 | Mathematical Ideas II | 3 |
MAT122 | Quantitative Reasoning | 3 |
MAT125 | Statistics | 4 |
MAT130 | Precalculus for Business/Social/Life Sciences | 4 |
MAT145 | Precalculus | 4 |
MAT171 | Calculus for Business/Social/Life Sciences | 4 |
MAT251 | Calculus I | 4 |
MAT252 | Calculus II | 4 |
MAT253 | Calculus III | 4 |
MAT254 | Differential Equations | 4 |
MAT255 | Discrete Math | 4 |
MAT260 | Linear Algebra | 4 |
MUS101 | Introduction to Music | 3 |
MUS102 | Introduction to Western Music | 3 |
MUS112 | Introduction to World Music | 3 |
MUS115 | Aural Skills I | 1 |
MUS116 | Aural Skills II | 1 |
MUS120 | Music Reading and Writing | 3 |
MUS121 | Music Theory I | 3 |
MUS122 | Music Theory II | 3 |
MUS124 | Introduction to Music Technology | 3 |
MUS131 | Piano I | 3 |
MUS132 | Piano II | 3 |
MUS133 | Class Guitar | 3 |
MUS135 | Ensemble: Small Group I | 1 |
MUS136 | Ensemble: Small Groups II | 1 |
MUS141 | Performance Workshop I | 1 |
MUS142 | Performance Workshop II | 1 |
MUS151 | Ensemble: Chorus I | 1 |
MUS152 | Ensemble: Chorus II | 1 |
MUS154 | Community Chorus I | 3 |
MUS155 | Community Chorus II | 3 |
MUS161 | Ensemble: Jazz/Rock I | 1 |
MUS162 | Ensemble: Jazz/Rock II | 1 |
MUS172 | Class Voice | 3 |
MUS173 | Applied Music: Brass I | 1 |
MUS174 | Applied Music: Brass II | 1 |
MUS175 | Applied Music: Guitar I | 1 |
MUS176 | Applied Music: Guitar II | 1 |
MUS177 | Applied Music: Percussion I | 1 |
MUS178 | Applied Music: Percussion II | 1 |
MUS179 | Applied Music: Piano I | 1 |
MUS180 | Applied Music: Piano II | 1 |
MUS181 | Applied Music: Strings I | 1 |
MUS182 | Applied Music: Strings II | 1 |
MUS183 | Applied Music: Voice I | 1 |
MUS184 | Applied Music: Voice II | 1 |
MUS185 | Applied Music: Woodwinds I | 1 |
MUS186 | Applied Music: Woodwinds II | 1 |
MUS187 | Ensemble: Chamber Choir I | 1 |
MUS188 | Ensemble: Chamber Choir II | 1 |
MUS217 | Aural Skills III | 1 |
MUS218 | Aural Skills IV | 1 |
MUS223 | Music Theory III | 3 |
MUS224 | Music Theory IV | 3 |
MUS236 | Ensemble: Small Groups III | 1 |
MUS237 | Ensemble: Small Groups IV | 1 |
MUS243 | Performance Workshop III | 1 |
MUS244 | Performance Workshop IV | 1 |
MUS251 | Ensemble: Chorus III | 1 |
MUS252 | Ensemble: Chorus IV | 1 |
MUS261 | Ensemble: Jazz/Rock III | 1 |
MUS262 | Ensemble: Jazz/Rock IV | 1 |
MUS273 | Applied Music: Brass III | 1 |
MUS274 | Applied Music: Brass IV | 1 |
MUS275 | Applied Music: Guitar III | 1 |
MUS276 | Applied Music: Guitar IV | 1 |
MUS277 | Applied Music: Percussion III | 1 |
MUS278 | Applied Music: Percussion IV | 1 |
MUS279 | Applied Music: Piano III | 1 |
MUS280 | Applied Music: Piano IV | 1 |
MUS281 | Applied Music: Strings III | 1 |
MUS282 | Applied Music: Strings IV | 1 |
MUS283 | Applied Music: Voice III | 1 |
MUS284 | Applied Music: Voice IV | 1 |
PHI101 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHI102 | Issues in Philosophy | 3 |
PHI110 | Ethics | 3 |
PHI121 | Practical Logic | 3 |
PHI204 | Philosophy through Film | 3 |
PHI206 | Existentialism | 3 |
PHI208 | Philosophy of Happiness | 3 |
PHS111 | College Physics I | 4 |
PHS112 | College Physics II | 4 |
PHS131 | Engineering Physics I | 4 |
PHS132 | Engineering Physics II | 4 |
PSY101 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
PSY105 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
PSY110 | Lifespan Psychology | 3 |
PSY199 | Psychology Internship | 3 |
PSY200 | Basic Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences | 3 |
PSY201 | Developmental Psychology I: Childhood & Adolescence | 3 |
PSY202 | Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood & Aging | 3 |
PSY203 | Child Psychology | 3 |
PSY204 | Adolescent Psychology | 3 |
PSY205 | Psychology of Personality | 3 |
PSY206 | Social Psychology | 3 |
PSY207 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
PSY209 | Biopsychology | 3 |
REL101 | World Religions | 3 |
SCI100 | Basic Lab Calculations | 1 |
SCI105 | Laboratory Methods | 4 |
SCI106 | Biotechnology | 4 |
SCI107 | Principles of cGMP and Quality Control in the Biosciences | 3 |
SCI110 | Global Discoveries in Science | 4 |
SCI111 | Physical Science I | 4 |
SCI112 | Physical Science II | 4 |
SCI130 | Forensic Science | 4 |
SCI200 | Research Topics in Science | 3 |
SCI230 | Advanced Forensic Science | 4 |
SOC101 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOC104 | Introduction to Criminology | 3 |
SOC107 | Contemporary Social Problems | 3 |
SOC204 | Race & Ethnic Relations | 3 |
SOC208 | Sex and Gender in a Global World | 3 |
SPN105 | Spanish for Medical Professionals I | 3 |
SPN110 | Spanish for Law Enforcement | 3 |
SPN111 | Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I | 3 |
SPN112 | Introductory Spanish 2 | 3 |
SPN201 | Intermediate Spanish 1 | 3 |
SPN202 | Intermediate Spanish 2 | 3 |
SPN220 | Spanish for Heritage Learners | 3 |
THE101 | Introduction to Theater | 3 |
THE110 | The Improvisation Voice and Movement | 3 |
THE111 | Acting: Theory and Practice | 3 |
THE112 | Acting: Scene Study | 3 |
THE113 | Directing | 3 |
THE114 | Stagecraft | 3 |
THE115 | Rehearsal & Performance | 3 |
THE116 | Children's Theater | 3 |
THE117 | Summer Theater | 3 |