Know Your Title IX: Sex Discrimination, Harassment and Assault

Sexual violence is prohibited under state law and the Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity & Diversity.

Important Policy Update

Please note the following changes to the College’s Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity & Diversity:

What is Title IX?

Policy Against Sex Discrimination and Violence

Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex. “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” 20 U.S.C. §1681. The U.S. Department of Education and the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has focused new attention on the enforcement of Title IX. For instance, colleges and universities are put on notice to protect students, faculty, and staff against campus sexual assault. Title IX Offenses include, but are not limited to: sex discrimination, sexual and gender harassment and sexual violence. A number of different acts fall into the category of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, aiding in the commission of sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual battery and sexual coercion. These offenses shall be addressed by the Title IX Coordinator pursuant to the Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity & Diversity’s Complaint Procedure. Northern Essex Community College’s Affirmative Action Officer (AAO), Title IX Coordinator is Elizabete Trelegan. She can be contacted at 978-556-3928 or Further Information regarding this policy can be found in the document Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policy (2024)

Why is it so important to report to the Title IX Coordinator?

Northern Essex Community College takes allegations of sexual harassment/sexual violence seriously. We will respond promptly to complaints of Title IX sexual harassment/sexual violence and where it is determined that inappropriate conduct has occurred, we will act promptly to eliminate the conduct and impose such corrective measures.

How to Report

Faculty, staff and student employees who receive complaints of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct are obligated to report complaints to the Title IX Coordinator and/or their supervisor or department head.

Complaints should be directed to

The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding Affirmative Action and Title IX compliance/sexual harassment: 

Liz Trelegan, Assistant Director of Human Resources
Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator
Northern Essex Community College
100 Elliott Street, B219
Haverhill, MA 01830
Phone: 978-556-3928

Maxine Rice, Senior Human Resources Generalist
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
100 Elliott Street, B219
Haverhill, MA 01830
Phone: 978-556-3917

NECC Public Safety
(After normal business hours, i.e. after 5 p.m. Monday-Friday or on Saturday and Sunday)
Emergencies Only 978-556-3333 or dial ext 3333 from any campus phone
General Information 978-556-3689

Campus Resources

Additional Resources

Title IX Team Trainings

Updated: 2023-2024 Updated Academic Catalog (Effective Spring 2024)