PH4353 Topics in Advanced Electricity and Magnetism

Topics selected from: Electromagnetic radiation, including radiation from antennas and accelerating particles, and radiation scattering from charged particles. Additional topics may include Cerenkov radiation, free electron lasers, and the relativistic formulation of electrodynamics.


PH3152, PH3352, PH3991

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes for this course include the ability to analyze and solve problems related to:
• Maxwell’s equations, boundary conditions, and fields in materials (polarization
and magnetization)
• Multipole and spherical harmonic expansions for electric and magnetic potentials
• Green’s functions
• Potential formulation, inhomogeneous wave-equations for electromagnetic propagation
• Radiation in near and far field
• Scattering phenonema: Rayleigh, Mie, and long-wavelength (geometric) limit