PH3152 Analytical Mechanics

Dynamics of systems of particles, including rockets. Hamilton's principle, Lagrangian dynamics, and the role of physical symmetry. Velocity-dependent potentials. The inertia tensor and rotational dynamics of rigid bodies. Small-amplitude oscillations of systems of particles, and normal modes.



Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course the student will

·       Understand non-inertial systems, centrifugal force, Coriolis force, and non-inertial effects.

·       Apply non-inertial effects to calculate systems behavior in non-inertial frames.

·       Apply non-inertial and drag force effects to calculate realistic ballistic curves through numerical analysis.

·       Understand key concepts in rigid body rotation. Predict behavior based on determination of principal axes and principal moments of inertia, and the application of known theorems.

·       Analyze mechanical systems from the viewpoint of rigid body techniques, to determine potential instability and recommend fixes.

·       Understand and apply Lagrangian mechanics techniques to solve constrained problems.

·       Understand and analyze coupled oscillators to calculate normal frequencies and normal modes, producing both general and specific solutions based on initial conditions.

·       Understand and apply Hamiltonian mechanics techniques to solve constrained problems.