OC3030 Oceanographic Computing and Data Display

Course emphasizes the use of the computer as a tool in oceanography problem-solving. Use of various software packages for graphics, scientific visualization, statistics and numerical computation. Graded: Pass/Fail. Prerequisites: None.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 

  • Design algorithms to solve problems. 
  • Use the MATLAB GUI (Graphical User Interface) effectively. 
  • Write moderately complex programs in MATLAB to solve scientific and mathematical problems. 
  • Given segments of MATLAB code, be able to determine what the program will do and what results will be obtained. 
  • Display and visualize data in a variety of increasingly complex ways.
  • Use systematic procedures to debug programs. 
  • Design testing procedures to validate programs. 
  • Follow best practices in structured programming techniques. 
  • Know how and where to find help. 
  • Be able to use MATLAB’s parallel processing capability and identifying bottlenecks in code.