OC3150 Analysis of Air Ocean Time Series

Analysis methods for atmospheric and oceanic time series. Fourier transforms applied to linear systems and discrete data. Correlation functions, power density spectra and cross-spectrum. Optimal design of air-ocean data network. Laboratory work involves analysis of actual atmospheric and ocean time series using principles developed in class.


A probability and statistics course

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Statement Of Course Objectives


Course Learning Outcomes

A student who successfully completes this course should be able to:

·      calculate Fourier series of periodic signals, 

·      determine theoretically and numerically the auto correlation function and energy density (power) spectrum of a stationary random process, 

·      understand the concepts associated with processing discretely sampled random data of finite record length and how to apply these concepts to the design of measurement strategy, 

·      understand the concept of windowing and filtering and be able to apply these techniques to real data, 

·      determine the cross-correlation function and cross spectrum between two signals, 

·      determine the transfer function in the frequency domain of simple linear stochastic systems as applied to physical processes and systems placed in the atmosphere and the ocean.