OC3260 Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics

The fundamentals of ocean acoustics, including the acoustic wave equation, ray theory, acoustic arrays and filters, ambient noise, scattering, absorption, an introduction to normal mode theory, and sonar equations. Laboratory emphasizes acoustic signal processing techniques.


OC3230, partial differential equations or equivalent

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Statement Of Course Objectives


Course Learning Outcomes

The goal of this course is to:

·       Understand the fundamentals of sound propagation in the range-independent ocean environment, especially in the context of antisubmarine warfare search.

·       Understanding simple ocean state variables and their role in sound transmission, the effect of the seafloor and sea surface boundary conditions, and the ability to use and understand simple acoustic propagation models.

·       Concepts learned in this course can be applied to understanding how the range-independent ocean environment impacts antisubmarine warfare. 


A prerequisite for these concepts is a thorough understanding of basic wave physics, which will be the focus of the first portion of the class. The labs and final project will rely on running commonly used propagation models (e.g. Bellhop and/or Ram), some of which are quite similar to those used in tactical decision aids. Analysis of ambient noise will also be performed in several of the labs.