MR3252 Tropical Meteorology/Laboratory

Same as MR3250 plus laboratory sessions on analysis of tropical systems emphasizing streamline and isotach analysis and incorporating aircraft and satellite observations. Exercises stress tropical cyclone regimes. Satellite imagery is used as an analysis tool and also in forecasting tropical cyclone intensity. A track forecasting exercise provides an exposure to the use of various dynamic, climatological and statistical forecast models.


MR4322 and MR3230 or MR3234 (may be taken concurrently)

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

·       Develop a holistic understanding of how large-scale circulations and moist convection interact in the Tropics.

·       Interpret in situ and remotely sensed observations of the environment to diagnose the favorability of deep convection and identify various tropical phenomena.

·       Improved ability to forecast tropical weather—such as MJO or tropical cyclones—that occur on timescales of days to weeks through activities focused on their prediction.

·       Improved oral communication skills, driven through student-led presentations and discussions of selected peer-reviewed literature pertinent to course material.