MR3222 Meteorological Analysis/Laboratory

Same as MR3220, plus laboratory sessions in the IDEA lab on the concepts considered in the lectures, with emphasis on the analysis of the low and middle troposphere, streamline and isotach analysis techniques, satellite interpretation, and vertical cross-section analyses.


MR3420, MR3480, OC3321

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

·      An understanding of the basic structure of the atmosphere and how the various levels relate due to thermal structure, including the approximate heights of the various standard pressure levels (300, 500,700, 850 mb) and the language to describe these structures. This should include evolution over time.

·      An understanding of the typical locations of weather systems to troughs/ridges and surface features. (Simply in a descriptive sense; diagnosis of vertical motion from the omega equation will be covered in subsequent courses.).

·      An understanding of the relationship between winds and height/pressure gradients and recognition of geostrophic flow on charts.

·      An understanding of typical surface features in weather systems (e.g., fronts, pressure centers, distribution of moisture); this should include evolution in time.

·      Ability to interpret a cross section through a weather system and see warm/cold air and regions of greater/less stability.