MN4011 Ethical Leadership in Public Organizations

Given the regular calls from the Navy for better prepared leaders with a strong moral compass, this course focuses on advanced concepts of leadership development in public organizations:

  1. That are directly and immediately applicable for NPS students;
  2. That will serve them for the rest of their careers, spanning both military and other public service roles;
  3. That will enable them to build character and competence within the units they lead while establishing positive, empowering relationships with their followers.

Our students will become more effective leaders and make more ethically sound decisions as they: (a) assess their own abilities, values, strengths, and weaknesses; (b) take responsibility for their own ethical and leadership development; and (c) work consciously on developing character alongside leadership competence. This course is designed to consolidate the leadership skills that students have already developed, and propel students to the next level of advanced leadership capabilities. 

Cross Listed Courses

GC4011: Online version of MN4011. Given the regular calls from the Navy for better prepared leaders with a strong moral compass, this course focuses on advanced concepts of leadership development in public organizations: That are directly and immediately applicable for NPS students; That will serve them for the rest of their careers, spanning both military and other public service roles; That will enable them to build character and competence within the units they lead while establishing positive, empowering relationships with their followers Our students will become more effective leaders and make more ethically sound decisions as they: (a) assess their own abilities, values, strengths, and weaknesses; (b) take responsibility for their own ethical and leadership development; and (c) work consciously on developing character alongside leadership competence. This course is designed to consolidate the leadership skills that students have already developed, and propel students to the next level of advanced leadership capabilities.


Prerequisite: GB3010, GE3010, MN4474, or another course that introduces organizational behavior, processes, and leadership.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Understand their own assumptions, values and beliefs, and clarify and apply principles of leadership in their careers;
  • Recognize and evaluate ethical dilemmas in public management and commercial organizations, including understanding why leaders sometimes lose their way;
  • Make sound judgements that are grounded in ethical and moral principles about the kinds of moral problems faced by leaders in public and private organizations;
  • Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions in team and organizational environments; and
  • Develop a personal leadership agenda and development plan that harnesses their leadership inclinations and provides a guide for themselves as ethical leaders in public service throughout their careers.