MN4111 Multivariate Manpower Data Analysis II

An introduction to the specialized multivariate techniques used for analysis of military manpower data. Topics include advanced linear estimation techniques, such as panel data analysis and two-stage models. In addition, nonlinear methods are introduced, such as binary choice models and survival analysis. The course also covers special techniques for policy evaluation and reduction of estimation bias due to omitted variables or sample selection. Students apply techniques to manpower databases.


MN4110 or permission of instructor

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:

  • Understand how to perform advanced techniques of econometric analysis, such as survival analysis, regression discontinuity, and machine learning.
  • Identify ways to evaluate a program or policy.
  • Be able to work with data and estimate and interpret econometric models using Stata or R, and to present original statistical work in writing, figures, and tables.