ME2601 Mechanics of Solids I

Concepts of stress, strain and deformation; axial force; normal stress and normal strain; shear force; shear stress and shear strain; torsion; angle of twist; bending moment; bending moment diagram and shear force diagram; flexural strain; transverse deflection; statically determinate and indeterminate structures; thin-walled pressure vessels; combined loading; stress and strain transformation; Mohr's circle; principal stress; maximum shear stress; and failure criteria.


ME2501 and MA1114

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

At the completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Understand the definitions and concepts of deformation, strains, and stress.
  • Understand the concepts of statically determinate and statically indeterminate systems
  • Be able to analyze normal stress, normal strain, and elongation/compression under axial loading, either for statically determinate and indeterminate axial members
  • Be able to analyze shear stress and shear strains under shear loading
  • Be able to analyze bending stress ,bending strain, and transverse displacement for beam bending loading
  • Be able to analyze shear stress, shear strain, and angle of twist under torsional loading, either for statically determinate and indeterminate circular members
  • Understand the principle of superposition for combined loading.
  • Be able to determine principal stress/strain and maximum shear stress using stress/strain transformation techniques such as Mohr’s circle
  • Understand failure criteria and be able to apply them to the multi-axial state of stresses
  • Understand how to apply the strength of materials knowledge to a real world problem.