DA3900 Command and Leadership

This graduate-level elective course focuses on command and staff leadership at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels. This course is run as a seminar. Students will examine/gain appreciation of best-practice command and staff leadership in multi-domain operations, though the lens of regular forces, irregular forces, interagency elements, coalitions, and alliances. Students will consider differing leadership paradigms and examine the strengths and limitations of these constructs and their techniques as applied in practice. The course will include sessions with prominent American and international guest lecturers with broad experience in command and leadership of the military, inter-agency organizations, politics, business, coalitions and alliances, academics, and other fields. Prerequisites: None.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze command and leadership using models at tactical, operational, and strategic levels to determine and tailor best practices both in command and while leading when supporting commanders.  Student mastery of these models and techniques will provide an elevated understanding of structurally and theoretically sound command and leadership that can be tailored and applied whether operating with conventional or SOF skillsets; with single domain or multidomain regular forces; or with irregular forces in irregular warfare environments.  Student understanding and comprehension of these models will be examined during required individual and group presentations, as well as during the required two-hour in class handwritten blue book final examination.
  • Demonstrate an enhanced understanding of developing theoretically sound and practical operational and strategic approaches to unify effort and maximize the mission success whether operating with multidomain, multinational, interagency, irregular and regular coalition or alliance organizations and missions. Student understanding and comprehension of this process will be examined during required individual and group presentations, as well as during the required two-hour in class handwritten blue book final examination.
  • Understand the effects of operating in multilingual and multicultural environments while commanding and leading. Students will be required to demonstrate an increased understanding and comprehension of these effects during required individual and group presentations, as well as during the required two-hour in class handwritten blue book final examination.
  • Analyze and be able to improve future command and leadership by analyzing the interactions with the various guest speakers brought into the course using the command and leadership models taught in the course.  Be able to apply these lessons learned at tactical, operational, and strategic levels, whether operating in single or multidomain, multinational, interagency, conventional or SOF organizations.  Be able to structurally apply these lessons whether in regular warfare or irregular warfare environments. Student understanding and comprehension of these models and techniques will be examined during required individual and group presentations, as well as during the required two-hour in class handwritten blue book final examination.