DA3600 Geographical and Temporal Dimensions of Dark Networks

This course is the first of a two-course series that focuses on the spatial, temporal, and relational dimensions of dark networks. Dark networks involve covert and illegal activity such as drug-trafficking and terrorist networks. Using a task-based approach, the first course introduces a terrorist network that students analyze using Google Earth, ArcGIS, and software tools that elicit temporal and geospatial aspects of terrorist network activity. This ability to anchor data to both location and time is of primary importance to our students and is invaluable to their ability to analyze trends of current and past activity in their AOR. This class will teach students to think critically and creatively about how different forms of spatial data can be integrated into their research. While the class will briefly cover fundamentals of remote sensing and coordinate systems, this lab-intensive course primarily focuses on real-world situations that students will face in the field. No prerequisite.

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours