Academic Forgiveness

Currently enrolled students that have returned to Mayland Community College (MCC) after a period of three (3) years of non-enrollment, may apply for academic forgiveness, as they make a fresh start in pursing educational goals. Academic forgiveness allows for “D”, “F”, or “WF” grades that were earned at the College three or more years prior to current enrollment to be eliminated from the student’s cumulative GPA calculation.

To qualify for academic forgiveness, the following requirements must be met:
• The student has not been enrolled at MCC for a minimum of three (3) years prior to current enrollment, and must be currently enrolled in curriculum courses at MCC.
• Prior to applying for academic forgiveness, the student must demonstrate a renewed academic interest and effort by earning at least a 2.5 GPA in the first twelve (12) semester hours completed after re-enrollment. Developmental course credits will not count toward the first twelve (12) hours. The (12) twelve hours can be completed in one semester or over the course of several semesters.

Exclusions and Limitations:

• Academic forgiveness is not reversible and may only be applied once during a student’s academic career at MCC.
• Forgiven grades remain on the student’s transcript with an “academic forgiveness” notation, but are not calculated in the cumulative GPA.
• Any credits for courses earned with a grade of “D” are not retained.
• Grades for courses that have been applied toward an awarded certificate, diploma, or degree at MCC are not eligible for academic forgiveness.
• Since developmental/RISE course work does not count in the student’s cumulative GPA, developmental/RISE course grades are not eligible for academic forgiveness.
• Students planning to transfer to another college or university are cautioned that the receiving institution may use all grades earned in computing grade-point averages for admissions and/or other purposes.
• Courses removed from the cumulative GPA calculation under academic forgiveness will still count toward satisfactory academic progress for students receiving financial aid.

Academic Forgiveness Process:

1. The student must meet with their Advisor to determine if they are eligible for academic forgiveness.
2. If the determination is made that the student is eligible for academic forgiveness, then the student must complete the Application for Academic Forgiveness form and submit it to the Dean of Students.
3. The Dean of Students evaluates the academic record and determines the appropriate course(s) to be granted academic forgiveness.
4. Students will be notified through their MCC email of the decision.