General Information and Policies

The main campus of Mayland Community College is located on Highway 19E, four miles east of Spruce Pine. The College also operates Learning Centers in Avery County (Newland) and Yancey County (Burnsville). 

Evening and Off-Campus Offerings

The College is operational both day and evening. Working students can fit coursework around their work schedules and, in some programs, can complete all work toward a diploma or degree by attending classes only in the evening. The College also has off-campus classes, which include both credit and non-credit courses.

Visitors and Minors on Campus

The College welcomes visitors to campus. All visitors must comply with the College's policies and procedures. Additionally, in the interest of safety, and to minimize disruption to classes and operations, all visitors shall adhere to the following rules:


  • All visitors to instructional areas must have the instructor's prior approval. Visitors unfamiliar with the campus should report to the front desk.
  • All visitors to laboratories, shops, or other potentially hazardous areas must be escorted by a College employee.

Minor Children

  • Minor children are defined as children under the age of eighteen (18).
  • Students and College employees are encouraged to make child care arrangements to reduce interruption of the educational process and avoid possible injury to a minor. Supervisors are responsible and accountable for ensuring that minor children on campus adhere to College policies and procedures. Should employees require time to resolve their childcare situation, they are required to leave work and use the appropriate leave.
  • Minor children are allowed in offices on the campus for short, occasional visitations, when accompanied by a responsible adult. Minor children are not allowed in the classroom.
  • Minor children are not allowed on campus when the child has a contagious condition or is too ill to be sent to the regular childcare location or school. Minor children may not enter shops, labs or other hazards areas.

Removal from Campus

  • To ensure a safe and secure campus environment, the President, his/her designees and senior administrators (Vice Presidents) have the authority to dismiss a person from campus. Legal action for trespassing may be taken if the person does not comply.

Operating Hours

When classes are in session:

  • Administrative Offices and all service offices are open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am—5:00 pm and Friday, 8:00 am—4:00 pm.
  • The Student Services Office is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am—5:00 pm and Friday, 8:00 am—4:00 pm.
  • The Bookstore is open Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am—6:00 pm and Friday, 8:00 am—4:00 pm.
  • Instructor office hours are posted on their office doors at the beginning of each academic term.

Campus Medical Emergencies

Emergency Medical Assistance

The College has no facilities for medical treatment of employees or students.

College personnel and/or individuals present will contact emergency services by dialing 9-1-1 and request first responder services in the event of a medical emergency.

All accidents involving College employees are to be reported to the appropriate Dean/Vice President and the Safety Office within one (1) business day. All accident report forms must be completed within two (2) business days.

Students who are covered under student accident insurance should notify the appropriate Dean/Vice President within one (1) business day. If the accident occurs in a classroom or lab, the appropriate employee should complete the College’s Student Accident Report Form. The Administrator will assist the student in making a claim to the insurance company. Students are also encouraged to report any acute medical conditions to their faculty/instructors.

If emergency medical services are required off campus, i.e., firing range, defensive driving course, etc., established emergency medical procedures for that location should be followed in conjunction with the aforementioned procedures.

The following procedures should be followed if an accident occurs involving a College vehicle:

1. Dial 9-1-1 if emergency services or an ambulance is needed;
2. Contact the appropriate law enforcement agency to obtain a report;
3. Obtain as much information as possible from any other parties involved in the accident; and
4. Contact the Safety Officer.

First Aid kits are located in the following locations:

  • Gwaltney Hall— front desk of the main lobby (switchboard), LRC (Circulation Desk), Student Services window, and Biology Lab
  • Samuel Phillips Building— faculty lounge (2nd floor), Office of Economic and Workforce Development suite entrance, and Cosmetology department
  • Public Safety Building— BLET Department and Horticulture Department
  • Allied Technology Building— first and second floors
  • Welding Building
  • The Center for Crafts and Construction Trades
  • The Avery Learning Center
  • The Yancey Learning Center

Facility Use

The College's facilities exist to meet the educational needs of citizens within the College's service area. The College offers a wide-range of credit curricula and non-credit extension courses and the College's facilities are to be utilized to facilitate these programs. The College may use its facilities in any legal matter. In addition, the College may make its facilities available upon reasonable condition for the periodic use of student organizations, government agencies, non-profit entities, community members and for-profit entities (for non-revenue generating events) provided the activities involved are in furtherance of the College's educational purposes or are in promotion of the community's cultural and educational welfare. The use of the College’s facilities cannot compete with any of the College’s classes or events that are or could be offered.

This Policy only applies to the use of the College’s facilities. For information concerning the use of outdoor campus spaces, see Campus Free Speech, Distribution of Material and Assembly.

 All facility use by third parties will be managed by the Mayland Enterprise Corporation. The following procedures shall be used when third party groups use the College's facilities:

Groups Permitted to Use the College's Facilities and Grounds

Permitted Groups

The following groups shall be permitted to use the College’s facilities and grounds:

1. Student groups and College affiliated groups;

2. Governmental entities;

3. Non-profit entities;

4. Community members; and

5. For-profit entities for non-revenue generating events (e.g., banquets, awards presentations, charity fundraisers, etc.).

Any use of the College’s facilities must be in furtherance of the College’s educational purposes or are in promotion of the community’s cultural and educational welfare and do not compete with any classes or events that are offered or could be offered by the College. For-profit businesses may not use the facilities for for-profit business activities or in violation of the N.C.G.S. § 66-58.


The College maintains the right to reserve and use any of its facilities at any time, with or without prior notice, for its use and such use will take priority over any other use. Individuals or groups that participate in speech not protected by the First Amendment, that engage in activity which causes a material and substantial disruption to the College educational environment and/or operations or conduct or activities that are contrary to the College's educational mission or are in competition with the College shall not be allowed to use the College's facilities for any reason.

Rental and Service Fees

Rental and service fees are established herein for use of the College’s facilities by governmental entities, non-profit entities, community members and for-profit entities. The President may, in his/her discretion, waive the rental and/or service fees for all entities and individuals except for-profit entities.

Procedures Governing Uses of College Facilities

The College's educational program has priority at all times. No activities will be scheduled for a use which interferes with the College's instructional programs or activities.

The use of any College property shall be under the direction of an authorized member of the College staff. Facility Use Reservation Agreements (“Agreements”) must be used for every Non-College facility use.

Completed Agreements must be submitted to the College at least two (2) weeks in
advance of the proposed use. Facilities will not be reserved/scheduled until the College’s educational programs have been scheduled for that academic term. The President may, in his/her discretion, allow for reservation/scheduling for a longer period.

Keys to College buildings shall be assigned only to College employees and buildings shall be opened only by such employees.

Tobacco use is not permitted anywhere on the College campus. For more information, see Policy 2.2.1 – Tobacco Free Campus.

Drinking or possession of alcohol and/or unauthorized controlled substances on the College campus is prohibited. For more information, see Policy 2.1.7 – Alcohol and Drugs on Campus. In limited situations, alcoholic beverages may be allowed pursuant to Policy 2.2.5 – Use of Alcohol at Campus Events.

Youth or children's groups shall be adequately supervised by responsible adults provided by the sponsoring organization.

College furniture, and/or equipment shall not be removed, altered, re-arranged or displaced without permission from an authorized College employee.

User shall be responsible for the payment of any and all damages to the College's buildings, furnishings, fixtures or equipment whether caused by User or his/her patrons. Nothing shall be affixed to any walls, curtains, seating or other surfaces in any building without the College's prior written permission.

Authorization shall be given for entrance to specific areas only and use of specific facilities only within a building.

Agreements shall be revoked when the use interferes with regular College use, when facilities are misused or when the foregoing rules are violated. Future use shall not be considered for organizations which have misused facilities.

As a condition for use of the facilities, the College requires compensation for additional campus resource officers, cleaning personnel or other staff members deemed by the College to be necessary for use of the facilities.

The College requires proof of liability insurance by the user based on the risks involved in the intended use. The College must be listed as an additional insured on the policy. Further, users shall be required to sign an indemnity agreement in favor of the College.

The College shall require proof of copyright license fee payment in the event of a theatrical performance, to include royalty fees for play production and for any music used in the production.

To ensure quality control, organizations utilizing Mayland facilities and who also have catering needs will coordinate catering through the Mayland Enterprise Corporation.

User shall not advertise any performance or the appearance of any performer prior to executing the Agreement with the College.

The College reserves the right to request that rental and service fees be paid in advance for use of facilities.

The Agreement should include all technical requirements, plans, ideas and program content pertaining to the event. All equipment brought in by the user will be inspected to ensure safety and the College will have the final approval and authority for the use of such equipment.

No collections of donations, whether for charity or otherwise, shall be made, attempted or announced on the premises without the College’s prior written approval.

Persons will not be permitted inside any room in excess of the established seating capacity. No additional chairs may be placed in the hall, hallways or any other portion of the facility open to the public. No standing room may be utilized, nor is anyone permitted to sit in any aisle.

The user agrees that no recording, either visual or audio, of any kind will be made of the event without prior written approval from the College. The College has the right to require payment for said privilege. The College has the right to record any
event conducted in the College’s facilities.

Move out must be completed no later than one half hour after the scheduled end time. Failure to comply with the move out deadline may result in the user’s effects being considered abandoned and may be disposed of by the College.

Attendance at any event may not be restricted on the basis of race, color, sex, gender, religious affiliation, national origin, political affiliation or disability.

Internet and Network Acceptable Use


The College strives to provide information technology access in an environment in which access is shared equitably among users. This access is intended to be used in support of the College’s research, educational and administrative purposes. College owned or operated computer resources are for the use of College employees, students and other authorized individuals. This Policy's purpose is to protect the College’s technology users and computer resources and to ensure equitable access and proper management of these resources.

Acceptable Use

Acceptable Activity

The College's information technology resources are intended for the use of its students, employees and other authorized individuals for purposes related to instruction, learning, research and campus operations. Users are expected to exercise responsible, ethical behavior when using all College computer resources. This Policy makes no attempt to articulate all required or prohibited behavior by users of the College’s computer resources.

 Unacceptable Activity

Unacceptable activity includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Deliberately downloading, uploading, creating or transmitting computer viruses, malware, or other software intended to harm a computer or the College’s network.

2. Destroying or modifying directory structures or registries or interfering or tampering with another individual’s data or files.

3. Developing programs that infiltrate a computer or computing system, harass other users and/or damage software.

4. Attempting to obtain unauthorized computer access or privileges or attempting to trespass in another individual’s work.

5. Using hardware or software sniffers to examine network traffic, except by appropriate College personnel, to diagnose the network for bottlenecks or other problems.

6. Using another person’s password or sharing of one’s own password (users should not share their password with anyone and those who choose to do so are responsible for the outcomes resulting from the use of their password).

7. Committing any form of vandalism on equipment, communication lines, manuals or software, or attempting to defeat or circumvent any security measures or controls.

8. Consuming food and/or beverages in computer labs, computer classrooms, library or in any other areas restricted to protect systems.

9. Wastefully using finite resources such as large amounts of bandwidth including but not limited to, downloading music, television shows, software programs, and/or movies.

10. Connecting personal network devices on the College’s wired network. Connecting unsanctioned products (software or hardware) to the College network or installing products for personal use. Special provisions may be made for visiting artists, lecturers, and trainers at the discretion of the Director of Information Systems Technology. Information Technology support staff can offer assistance in gaining network access under these special circumstances, but the College cannot guarantee functionality and assumes no responsibility for configuration of or damage to non-college equipment.

11. Using the College's computer resources and Network to engage in disruptive, threatening, discriminatory or illegal behavior or behavior that violates the Code of Student and/or Employee Conduct.

12. Disclosing confidential student or personnel information to unauthorized third parties;

13. Violating copyright laws and/or fair use provisions through: 1) illegal peer-to-peer file trafficking by downloading or uploading pirated or illegal material including, but not limited to, software and music files; and 2) reproducing or disseminating Internet materials, except as permitted by law or by written agreement with the owner of the copyright;

14. Other activities that interfere with the effective and efficient operation of the College or its Network or activities that violate the College's Policies and Procedures.

Reservations of Rights and Limits of Liability

The College reserves all rights in the use and operation of its computer resources, including the right to monitor and inspect computerized files or to terminate service at any time and for any reason without notice.

The College makes no guarantees or representations, either explicit or implied, that user files and/or accounts are private and secure. No right of privacy exists in regard to electronic mail or Internet sessions on the College Network or College-owned hardware.

The College is not responsible for the accuracy, content or quality of information obtained through or stored on the College Network.

The College and its representatives are not liable for any damages and/or losses associated with the use of any of its computer resources or services.

The College reserves the right to limit the allocation of computer resources.

The College makes efforts to maintain computer resources in good working condition but is not liable for damages incurred by loss of service.

College funds may not be used to purchase personal network access or products.

The College shall not be liable legally, financially or otherwise for the actions of anyone using the Internet through the College’s network or College’s computers.

Wireless Internet Access

The College provides free wireless Internet access. Users of wireless access must abide by the Wireless Internet Access Guidelines and this Policy. Connection to the wireless network at any given time is not guaranteed. The College does not accept liability for any personal equipment that is brought to the College and, therefore, may not assist with configuration, installation, trouble-shooting or support of any personal equipment.

Electronic Mail

The College provides free electronic mail accounts to certain College employees based on job responsibilities, as determined by the employee’s appropriate Vice President, and to all students who are enrolled in a curriculum program. The use of College-provided electronic mail accounts must be related to College business, including academic pursuits. Incidental and occasional personal use of these accounts is acceptable when such use does not generate a direct cost to the College or otherwise violate the provisions within this Policy.

The College will make reasonable efforts to maintain the integrity and effective operation of its electronic mail systems, but users are advised that those systems should in no way be regarded as a secure medium for the communication of sensitive or confidential information. Because of the nature and technology of electronic communication, the College cannot assure the privacy of an individual’s use of the College’s electronic mail resources or the confidentiality of particular messages that may be created, transmitted, received or stored.

The College does not monitor electronic mail routinely but may do so as the College deems necessary. Students and employees should not have any expectation of privacy regarding their electronic mail addresses provided by the College. Any user of the College’s computer resources who makes use of an encryption device shall provide access when requested to do so by the appropriate College authority. The College reserves the right to access and disclose the contents of employees’, students’ and other users’ electronic mail without the consent of the user. The College will do so when it believes it has a legitimate business or need including, but not limited to, the following:

  • In the course of an investigation triggered by indications of misconduct or misuse;
  • As needed to protect health and safety of students, employees or the community at large;
  • As needed to prevent interference with the College’s academic mission;
  • As needed to locate substantive information required for College business that is not more readily available;
  • As needed to respond to legal actions; and
  • As needed to fulfill the College’s obligations to third parties.

Electronic mail, including that of students, may constitute "educational records" as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”). Electronic mail that meets the definition of educational records is subject to the provisions of FERPA. The College may access, inspect and disclose such records under conditions set forth in FERPA.

North Carolina law provides that communications of College personnel that are sent by electronic mail may constitute “correspondence” and, therefore, may be considered public records subject to public inspection under the North Carolina Public Records Act.

Electronic files, including electronic mail, that are considered public records are to be retained, archived and/or disposed of in accordance with current guidelines established by the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources or otherwise required by College policy 7.2.

Private Employee Websites and Other Internet Use

When creating or posting material to a webpage or other Internet site apart from the College's website or approved ancillary external site or page, employees should remember that the content may be viewed by anyone including community members, students and parents. When posting or creating an external website, students, faculty and staff are not permitted to use the College’s name in an official capacity or use the College’s marks, logos or other intellectual property.

Employees are to maintain an appropriate relationship with students at all times. Having a public personal website or online networking profile or allowing access to a private website or private online networking profile is considered a form of direct communication with students. Any employee found to have created and/or posted content on a website or profile that has a negative impact on the employee's ability to perform his/her job as it relates to working with students and the community or that otherwise disrupts the efficient and effective operation of the College may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.


Each individual is ultimately responsible for his/her own actions. For employees, failure to exercise responsible, ethical behavior will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Students may be sanctioned according to procedures described in the Code of Student Conduct and other users may be barred permanently from using College computers and network access and suspended or expelled.

Certain activities violate Federal and/or State laws governing use of computer systems and may be classified as misdemeanors or felonies. Those convicted could face fines and/or imprisonment.

Student Right to Know Act

Pursuant to the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act (the “Act”), the College is required to publicly disclose relevant graduation and transfer rate information for its students. The Act is a consumer information report designed for public access to relevant graduation and transfer information to enable students to make informed decisions regarding their college choice. The College makes available to currently enrolled as well as prospective students the graduation and transfer rate for the most recent cohort of entering students based on a one-year reporting period.

The Acts’ report is a cohort based study. The cohort is made up of students who enrolled as first-time college students who attended full-time (i.e., twelve [12] or more hours) and had declared themselves as degree seeking. The graduation and transfer rate for the cohort is calculated one year after the cohort's initial date of enrollment. These numbers can be misleading because many community college students attend part-time. Those students are not included in this report. Moreover, students with academic goals other than transfer or degree seeking students are not included in this report. Also, not included with the report are those students who leave school to serve in the armed services, an official church mission or with a recognized foreign aid service of the Federal government.

The report is updated annually and is available on the MCC website.

Student Records-FERPA

All student records must be current and maintained with appropriate measures of security and confidentiality. The College is responsible for complying with all legal requirements pertaining to the maintenance, review and release of records retained by the College.


A. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) provides students with certain rights to privacy of their educational records and rights of access by others to their educational records. College employees are expected to fully comply with this Policy.

B. For purposes of this Policy, “student” means an individual who is or has been in attendance at the College. It does not include persons who have not been admitted, who have been admitted but did not attend the College or individuals enrolled solely in non-credit courses. “Attendance” starts when the individual matriculates or declares their intention to enroll at the College, whichever comes first.


The College shall provide every student with an annual notice of their rights under FERPA. The Dean of Students, or his/her designee, is responsible for preparing and delivering this annual notice.


A. Students who want to inspect their education records should direct that request to the individual and within the timeframe as designated in the annual notice. Records which are available for inspection shall be provided to the student during regular business hours.

B. Students may obtain copies of their educational records if circumstances make on-site inspection impractical and the student is in good standing. When copies are provided, the student may be charged a reasonable fee for the actual copying expense.


A. The College may release Directory Information without student consent. The College designates the following information as Directory Information:

1. Student's name;
2. Major field of study;
3. Participation in officially recognized activities and sports;
4. Dates of attendance, grade level and enrollment status; and
5. Degrees, honors and awards received.

B. The College shall only release Directory Information to individuals and organizations that demonstrate, in the College’s opinion, a legitimate, educational interest in the information or provide a direct service to the College; however, the College shall release Directory Information to military recruiters in compliance with the Solomon Amendment unless the student specifically restricts the release of their Directory Information.

C. Students who do not wish to have their Directory Information released to the individuals and organizations identified above shall comply with the “opt out” provisions designated in the annual notice.


A. The College will not release a student’s educational records, aside from Directory Information, to any third-party unless the student consents to the release or a valid, legal exception applies.

B. College officials with a legitimate educational interest are an exception and do not need your consent. For a complete list of the disclosures that may be made without your consent, see 34 CFR Part 99.31 – 99.39. Exceptions to disclosures include, but are not limited to:

1. Organizations conducting studies;
2. Health/safety emergencies;
3. Under the U.S. Patriot Act;
4. Federal, state and local authorities;
5. Accrediting organizations;
6. State, local or tribal welfare agencies;
7. College officials with legitimate educational interest;
8. In response to subpoenas and court orders; and
9. In response to a lawsuit where a student names the College as a party.

B. Disclosures may be made to school officials which include any of the following when that person has a legitimate educational interest in having access to the information: 1) any administrator, certified staff member, or support staff member (including health, medical, safety, and security staff) employed by the College; 2) a member of the College’s Board of Trustees; 3) a contractor, consultant, volunteer, or other party to whom the College has outsourced services or functions, such as, but not limited to: an attorney, auditor, cloud storage provider, consultant, expert witness, hearing officer, law enforcement unit, investigator, insurer/insurance company adjuster, investigator, or any other claims representative, medical providers or consultants, or counselors/therapists, provided that the person is performing a service or function for which the College would otherwise use employees, is under the direct control of the College with respect to the use and maintenance of education records, and is subject to FERPA requirements governing the use and re-disclosure of PII from education records; and 4) a person serving on a committee appointed by the College.

C. In compliance with Title IX, the College may disclose the final results of campus disciplinary proceedings in which a student respondent is charged with a violent crime or non-forcible sex offense. Upon the request of the complainant, disclosure may be made regardless of whether the respondent was found responsible. Disclosures to third parties may be made only if the student respondent is found responsible. Disclosure in this situation is limited to the name of the violator, the type of student code violation found to have occurred, and the sanction imposed by the College.

D. The College may release a student’s educational records to the student’s parents when requested by the parents and: i) the student violated a law or the College’s policies regarding drugs and alcohol and the student is under the age of 21; or ii) the disclosure is needed to protect the health or safety of the eligible student or other individuals in an emergency situation.


A student has the right to challenge an item in his/her records believed to be inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights. The student may file a grievance pursuant to Policy 5.3.6 – Student Grievance beginning at Step Two If the final decision is that the information in the record is, in the College’s determination, not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy rights of the student, the Dean of Students shall inform the student of the right to place a statement in the record commenting on the contested information in the record or stating why he/she disagrees with the College’s decision.


A. Students who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with the Family Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington D.C. 20202. Complaint must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged violation or the date the student knew or should have known of the alleged violation.

B. A hold may be applied to the release of an official transcript, diploma or other information requested from an official record for a student who has an overdue indebtedness to the College. A hold may be applied for failure to comply with a disciplinary directive. Such a student continues to have the right to see and photocopy his official record upon request.

C. The College shall only destroy student records in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations and as allowed by the Records Retention & Disposition Schedule for North Carolina Community Colleges. The College shall not destroy student records if there is an outstanding request, grievance or legal matter related to those records.

Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases, those that have serious effects on human health, can pose a threat to the College community. The College will take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety of members of the College community during global and local infectious disease events. “Communicable disease” is defined as an illness due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products that arises through transmission of that agent or its products from an infected person, animal, or reservoir to a susceptible host, either directly, or indirectly through an intermediate plant or animal host, vector, or the inanimate environment. Examples of communicable disease include, but are not limited to, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), chicken pox, hepatitis, measles, tuberculosis, meningitis, mononucleosis, whooping cough, and other viral diseases that reach a pandemic level, and for purposes of this Policy only, those communicable diseases which constitute a disability pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The College shall not exclude individuals diagnosed with communicable diseases from participation in College programs or activities unless a determination is made that the individual presents a health risk to himself/herself or others. The College shall consider the educational or employment status of those individuals diagnosed with a communicable disease on a case by case individual basis.

A. Procedure

1. All information and records that identify a person as having a communicable disease shall be strictly confidential.

2. Disclosure of medical information shall be made by the President only to those on a need-to-know basis in order to protect the welfare of persons infected with a communicable disease or the welfare of other members of the College community.

3. Unauthorized disclosure of medical information by an employee of the College is prohibited. Violation of this prohibition may result in the suspension from, or termination of an individual’s employment with the College.

4. A person who knows or has a reasonable basis for believing that s/he is infected with a communicable disease is expected to seek expert advice about his/her health circumstances and is obligated ethically and legally to conduct himself/herself responsibly toward other members of the College community.

5. Faculty and staff of the College and employees of contractors, or contracted services, who are infected with a communicable disease are urged to notify the appropriate Dean/Director so that the College can respond appropriately to his/her health needs. Students are urged to share information with the appropriate Dean/Director for the same reason.

6. A person infected with a communicable disease (including the AIDS virus whether active AIDS, AIDS-Related Complex, or undetectable viral load) will not be excluded from enrollment or employment or restricted in his/her access to the College’s services or facilities unless, in individual cases, the College administration determines that exclusion or other restrictions are necessary for the health and welfare of the College community.

7. Included in making decisions in individual cases which restrict access to employment or a student’s education, programs or activities shall be the College President, Legal Counsel for the College, the Deans/Directors, the individual’s personal physician, the local Health Director (or designee) and if necessary, another physician with expertise in managing communicable disease cases.

8. The College shall provide information regarding communicable diseases, including AIDS.

B. Immunizations

Prior to admission or employment, the College may require students and employees to be immunized from certain communicable diseases, including but not limited to measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, varicella, and meningitis . Students and employees are excused from providing proof of one or more of the required vaccinations if the student or employee has one of the following:

• physician's written statement of immunity due to having had the infection;
• a statement of contraindication to a vaccine (accompanied by a physician's statement);
• a lab blood test/titer documenting immunity; or
• a statement of religious exemption.

Religious and medical exemption letters will be accepted in lieu of immunization information. Medical exemption letters must be accompanied by a physician’s statement.

The immunizations listed here are not meant to supersede more restrictive requirements for employment or participation in a specific College program or class, such as childcare, classes that lead to a medical degree or certificate, or clinical programs.

C. Public Health Incidents

Should influenza, or any other communicable disease, reach a pandemic level, the President shall regularly monitor the situation by communicating with federal, state and/or local health officials and by reviewing media sources.

Should any communicable disease reach a pandemic level within or near the College’s service area, the President, after consulting with local, state or federal health officials, may take the following actions if it is determined to be in the best interest of the College community to prevent the spread of the communicable disease:

1. Close the College or certain College buildings and/or programs temporarily;
2. Limit or prohibit employee travel and/or student field trips;
3. Prohibit those infected with a communicable disease from coming onto the College campus;
4. To the extent allowed by law, requiring or encouraging employees and students to receive immunizations (not already required by the College) that prevent the spread of a communicable disease before coming back onto the College campus; and
5. Other specific actions deemed necessary for the safety of the College community.

The President shall not quarantine any student or employee while on campus unless the quarantine is ordered by local, state or federal health officials. Persons who are infected with a communicable disease that has reached a pandemic level, or know of someone in the College community who is infected, should contact College officials immediately. Students should contact the Dean of Student Services and employees should contact the Human Resources Office for reporting under this policy.

Any actions undertaken pursuant to this policy will be in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, College policies, and in the best interest of all parties.


The College shall comply with federal regulations and state statutes regarding bloodborne pathogens as set forth in the Federal Register, 29 CFR §1910.1030, and the North Carolina Administrative Code, 10A NCAC 41A, by attempting to limit/prevent occupational exposure of employees to blood or other potentially infectious bodily fluids and materials that may transmit bloodborne pathogens and lead to disease or death.

A. Reasonably Anticipated Occupational Exposure

An employee who could "reasonably anticipate”, as a result of performing required job duties, to face contact with blood, bodily fluids or other potentially infectious materials is covered by the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, the North Carolina Administrative Code, and this Policy. "Occupational Exposure" includes any reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane or parenteral (brought into the body through some way other than the digestive tract) contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee's duties. "Good Samaritan" acts, such as assisting a co-worker or student with a nosebleed would not be considered "reasonably anticipated occupational exposure.”

B. Universal Precautions

Universal precautions will be in force at all times. All blood, body fluid and other potentially infectious material will be handled as if infected. The program standards for the control of potential exposure to HIV and HBV as outlined in the OSHA Rule "Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens" Standard 1910.1030, the NC Administrative Codes, or the most current standards available will be followed.

C. Testing

An employee who suspects that s/he has had exposure to blood or body fluid may request to be tested, at the College’s expense, provided that the suspected exposure poses a significant risk of transmission, as defined in the rules of the Commission for Health Services. The HIV and HBV testing of a person who is the source of an exposure that poses a significant risk of transmission will be conducted in accordance with 10A NC Administrative Code 41A .0202 (4) (HIV) and 41A .0203(b)(3) (HBV). The College will strictly adhere to existing confidentiality rules and laws regarding employees with communicable diseases, including HIV or HIV-associated conditions.

D. Exposure Control Compliance

The College shall comply with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030 and promote a healthy and safe environment for both employees and students. The College proposes to do this through minimizing the risk of transmission of infectious diseases that are blood or body fluid borne. To achieve compliance with OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1030, the College will maintain an Exposure Control Plan covering the following areas:

1. Procedures,
2. Protective equipment,
3. Hepatitis vaccinations,
4. Post-exposure and follow-up care, and
5. Training.

A copy of the Exposure Control Plan is available in the office of Administrative Services.


Inclement Weather Policy

MCC will close when prevailing weather conditions are such that travel is deemed to be hazardous. The following procedure has been developed to facilitate the communication of information regarding College operations during such periods.

The decision to postpone or cancel any activity at MCC will be made by the President. The decision will be made and communicated as quickly as possible. However, the unpredictable nature of mountain weather may require that changes in the schedule be made quickly and on short notice.

In all periods of inclement weather, students, faculty, and staff are reminded to use good judgment when making travel decisions. Life and safety are to be the primary considerations.

While individuals are expected to give due consideration to their responsibilities for attendance, the College recognizes and expects that adults must ultimately make their own decisions about attendance and accept the responsibility for them.

Depending on weather conditions prevailing in the majority of the College service area, the following options will be employed relative to college operations:

  • Option A: Operate on a regular schedule with no delay.
  • Option B: Operate on a delayed schedule with all personnel reporting and classes beginning at 10:00 am.
  • Option C: Classes on a normal schedule with all personnel reporting and classes beginning at 12:00 pm.
  • Option D: The College is closed for students, faculty, and staff at all locations.

Weather-related schedule adjustments will be communicated by the Director of Marketing through the following:

Closing or delaying day classes does not automatically close evening classes. Evening classes will normally either be held on a regular schedule or canceled during inclement weather. Announcements will be communicated to local and regional radio and television stations no later than 4:00 pm concerning evening classes. Information will also be available on the College’s automated telephone answering system 828.766.1213, the College website, and LEO ReGroup text messages.

MCC recognizes its obligation to deliver the instructional services for which its students have paid tuition and fees. Therefore, the College will make a good faith effort to make up all classes that are missed due to inclement weather in accordance with North Carolina Community College System numbered memo CC-11-001. Adjustments in the College calendar for days missed may be made at the end of the academic term in accordance with the provisions of NCCCS memorandum CC-11-001.