Student Grievance Procedure

I. Academic Complaints 

Academic complaints may pertain to, but are not limited to, a dispute concerning:

  • a final grade
  • academic integrity
  • a sanction for classroom behavior
  • grading policies
  • academic requirements

II Non-Academic Complaints

Non-academic complaints may pertain to, but are not limited to, any matter of student concern or dissatisfaction within the College’s control except:

  • Discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct (see the MCC Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy);
  • A disciplinary violation of the Student Code of Conduct (see Student Code of Conduct); or
  • Any other matter that has a specific grievance process outlined in College Policy.

III. Grievance Procedure

Students must complete the following steps:

Step One:

A student who wishes to dispute an academic decision must, within ten (10) working days of the academic decision being made, first speak with the faculty/instructor involved to see if an informal resolution can be reached.

Step Two:

If the student is not satisfied with an explanation by the faculty /instructor, s/he may appeal within five (5) working days of speaking with the faculty/instructor to the appropriate Dean by completing an Incident Form. The Dean will investigate the basis of the academic dispute and render a decision to the student within ten (10) working days.

An appropriate Dean for Curriculum students would be the Dean of Health and Public Services, the Dean of Arts and Sciences, or the Dean of Business, Engineering, and Technical Studies. An appropriate Dean for Basic Skills or Continuing Education & Workforce Development students would be the Dean of the Avery Learning Center, the Dean of the Yancey Learning Center, the Dean of Mitchell Continuing Education/Prison Training, or the Dean of Adult Education/Basic Skills.

For incidents involving non-academic complaints the Dean of Students will work with the appropriate Dean to administer sanctions to all students.

If the complaint is about a Dean the student should file the Incident Form with either the Vice President of Academics and Student Services or the Vice President of Economic and Workforce Development/Continuing Education.

The Incident Form shall contain the following: (a) name of the individuals involved and/or witnesses; (b) a description of the incident or complaint, including the time, place, and dates; (c) any actions taken to resolve the concern and the result; and (d) the reporting party’s desired outcome. The student may supplement the Incident Form with other documentary evidence.

Step Three:

If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Dean, s/he may file a written appeal of the Dean’s decision to the appropriate Vice President within five (5) working days of receiving a decision from the Dean. The Vice President will investigate the basis of the dispute and render a decision to the student within ten (10) working days.

During the course of an investigation, the Dean and/or Vice President may consult with other relevant College administrators and the College attorney. If the Dean and/or Vice President needs additional information, s/he may also meet with the student or other relevant witnesses.

The decision of the Vice President is final.

IV. Complaint Log

A confidential file regarding complaints and grievances shall be maintained by the Dean of Students and, if appropriate, incidents will be recorded in a Student Complaint Log and/or a Crime Log to comply with the Clery Act and SACS-COC.