FAQS for Parents of Students Attending Mayland

  1. How do students apply to participate in the Career & College Promise program?

    The application process is very simple. Please see the high school liaison at your high school to apply.

  2. Can high school students enroll in a community college outside of Career & College Promise? 

    No, except for some non-credit courses taken on a self-supporting basis, including safe driving courses.

  3. What is the maximum number of college credits that a CCP student can take?

    There is no maximum number of college credits that a CCP student can take. However, students must complete the entire CCP pathway before pursuing additional courses. All CCP participants must maintain eligibility status.

  4. Are local colleges permitted to let high school students take a course outside the pathway concurrently with their pathway-completing course?

    No, students must complete their pathway before taking additional courses.

  5. Can high school students take community college courses in the summer and have tuition waived?

    All curriculum courses taken by Career and College Promise students at Mayland Community College in accordance with in G.S. 115D-20(4) are tuition-waived except courses offered on a self-supporting basis. (This applies to Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.)

  6. Will CCP students receive honors or AP credit for completing college courses?

    All community college courses included on the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) will receive weighted credit in accordance with NCDPI policy GCS-L-004. CTE and other courses not included in the CAA are not eligible for weighted credit.

  7. Are there any community college courses that DPI will allow to count towards high school core course graduation requirements?

    Yes, principals are permitted to award dual credit based upon course content relative to available high school courses and State Board of Education policy GCS-M-001, which allows students in a College Transfer pathway to receive high school credit toward graduation requirements using Mayland Community College courses. Additionally, some CTE college courses may count towards high school CTE core requirements. Contact the high school counselor or principal for more information.

  8. Are there any minimum class attendance requirements for CCP students?

    CCP students enrolled in Mayland Community College courses will be held to the same attendance and academic requirements as traditional college students.

  9. What constitutes a “junior" or “senior” standing for CCP?

    Junior or senior standing is determined by the local school administrative unit.

  10. If a high school student completes all high school requirements in December (eligible to graduate) can he/she continue with the courses, tuition exempt, even if he/she has no high school classes?

    No, high school graduates cannot participate in CCP. However, if the high school semester ends after the community college semester has started, the student would still be eligible for CCP. (Example: MCC’s semester begins on January 6th and the high school semester ends January 18th – the student would still be eligible for CCP because they were still a high school student when MCC’s semester started).

  11. Home school students and private school students:
    1. Are home school and private school students eligible to participate in Career & College Promise?

      Yes, students attending a registered home school or a private school may participate in CCP. Generally, private school students are required to establish eligibility using the same criteria applied to public school students (GPA, assessment scores). Home school students and students from private schools not using traditional grading scales shall follow Mayland Community College’s established procedures for assessing eligibility and determining placement.

    2. Can a college set a minimum and maximum age limit for home-schooled students? How do we know if they are juniors or seniors?

      No, the home school student’s principal (usually the parent) must certify that the student is a junior or senior and is making progress toward graduation.

  12. Funding:
    1. Who pays the cost of the student’s text books?

      Textbooks are a student’s responsibility, however there may be local provisions for them. A student’s high school, the school district, or another local organization may cover these costs. Students should check with their principal or counselor to verify how these costs are paid.

    2. Are student fees (e.g., technology fees and insurance fees) waived in addition to the waived tuition for CCP students?

      No, however local school districts and community colleges should work together to determine whether and how student fees will be paid for CCP participants.

    3. Are any funds available to assist the high schools with transporting students to the college’s campus?

      Cooperative Innovative High Schools (including early college high schools, middle college high schools, and other CIHS models) receive transportation funds as part of a larger funding allotment at each district. No additional transportation funding is available for other CCP students.


  • Tuition-free course credits toward the Associate in Arts, Science or Engineering and a four (4) year degree.
  • Tuition-free course credits toward an entry level job credential, certificate or diploma for eligible high school students.
  • Leads to the completion of a high school diploma and associate degree or provides up to two (2) years of college credit within five (5) years.

Maintaining Eligibility

  1. Continue to make progress toward high school graduation, [and]
  2. Maintain a 2.0 GPA in college coursework after completing two (2) courses.
  3. A student who falls be- low a 2.0 GPA after completing two (2) college courses will be subject to the college’s policy for satisfactory academic progress.

Eligibility for remaining in CIHSP is established jointly by local boards of education and local boards of trustees in accordance with G.S. 115C-238.50.