2024-2025 Graduate Catalog


A grade of incomplete (IN, IP, IC) may be reported for a student who has completed course requirements throughout the semester and then because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause has been unable to take the final examination or to complete a limited amount of assigned work due near the end of the semester. Unsubstantiated absences from class may not be used to justify an incomplete grade.

Class attendance in subsequent semesters may not be required by the instructor as a condition for removal of the incomplete grade. If a substantial amount of work has been missed for medical or other valid reasons, the student should petition the college dean to be withdrawn from all courses.

It is the responsibility of the student to initiate a request for a grade of incomplete by contacting the instructor of the course and filling out the form “Conditions for an Incomplete Grade and Its Removal.” The instructor of the course must receive this request prior to the submission of grades at the end of the semester. If no such request is received or if the instructor judges the request unacceptable, an appropriate semester grade shall be submitted based upon the student’s attainment of the stated goals of the course.

It is the student’s responsibility to make up the examination or other work prescribed in a contract written by the instructor as part of the above form. This contract will also indicate the final grade to be assigned if the student’s unfinished work is not completed by a specific date. The prescribed time period will be no later than the last day of the eleventh week of the fall or spring semester immediately following the receipt of the incomplete grade. An earlier deadline may be agreed upon by the instructor and the student and in most cases it is expected that a shorter period of time will be specified in the contract for the removal of the IN, IP and IC. This time line does not apply to graduating students; incomplete grades must be completed no later than two weeks after the graduation date. Example: For May degree candidates incomplete grades must be completed no later than two weeks after the May ceremony; for January and August candidates, no later than the end of the month of graduation.

When the student has made up the assignment(s) or taken the examination on time, the instructor forwards a change of grade form for action by the executive director/department chairperson and the college dean. The dean then transmits the form to the Office of the Registrar for processing the grade change. If the student has not completed the work according to schedule, the instructor reports as the final grade for the semester the grade recorded in the contract worked out with the student. The final grade must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar before the degree is posted to the student’s record. Once the degree has been posted, the academic record is frozen and no changes are permitted.