2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Comprehensive Examinations

A number of Master’s degree programs require a comprehensive examination. Its purpose is to enable the graduate student to integrate the course work of a specific program and to be able to illustrate its application in professional settings. Students are encouraged to discuss with their advisors at the time of admission the goals and objectives to be achieved during the course of the program.

Comprehensive examinations are prepared by program faculty for each area of specialization and are administered during the fall and spring semesters as scheduled. The exam may be taken only after a student has successfully completed a minimum of 21 graduate credits in a specific program, and has maintained a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Intent to take the exam must be filed at least three weeks prior to the scheduled examination dates for each program.

Application for the Comprehensive Exam is available in the following link on the Office of Academic Affairs website: https://www.kean.edu/division-academic-affairs/comprehensive-examinations  

The examination is submitted anonymously to faculty for reading and is graded as follows:

  • Pass with Commendation
  • Pass
  • Pass with Condition
  • Fail

In the event of failure, a student may be permitted to take a second comprehensive examination subject to the approval of the program coordinator. In the event of a second failure, a student may appeal to take the examination for a third and final time. The appeal must be recommended by the Program Coordinator, the Department Chairperson and approved by the Dean of the Academic College. If the appeal is approved, the student may sit for the examination no sooner than the next regularly scheduled administration for that program.