2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Early Childhood Education

Dr. Sehba Mahmood, Undergraduate Coordinator

Contact Number: 908-737-3856

Email: semahmoo@kean.edu
Office: Hennings Hall 416

Degrees Offered: 

B.A. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, with NJ Instructional Certificates: Preschool through Grade 3 & Students with Disabilities.

Content Area Options:



  • ENGLISH (Standard Literature) 

  • ENGLISH (Writing) 




  • MUSIC 


2nd Academic Major Options:







Additional certification requirements: 

To be eligible for certification students must complete all coursework requirements and the State testing (Praxis) and teacher performance assessment (edTPA) requirements.

Students must submit a separate application for teacher certification. 

Program Accreditation:
B.A. in Early Childhood Education is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the New Jersey Department of Education. This College of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Admissions Requirements:
Prospective students must submit evidence of a minimum GPA of 3.0 as intended Early Childhood Education Majors, by completing the required courses.

Start terms:
This program offers admission in the Spring & Fall terms.

Declaration Requirements:

  • Qualifying score on the Praxis Core Academic Skills Test.

  • 3.00 GPA or higher from Kean University and all transfer credits.

  • A minimum grade of “B-” for EC 2900, SPED 2200, COMM 1402, ENG 1030, at least one college-level math course and a minimum grade of “C” in BIO 1000.

  • Admission form signed by an EC Faculty Advisor

Graduation Requirements:

  • Satisfactory completion of Early Childhood and Second Academic Major/Content coursework.

  • 3.0 GPA or better.

  • Clinical Practice I (EC 3400) and Clinical Practice II (EC 4401) must be in contiguous semesters. 

  • Prior to the Clinical Practice II (EC 4401) students must pass Praxis Test Early Childhood Education (5025).

  • During Clinical Practice II students must complete edTPA. 

Program Description: 

Through rigorous studies of current practices, local and state laws, and child development, the Bachelor of Arts Early Childhood Education, P-3 will prepare students to become Early Childhood Education practitioners. Upon obtaining this degree, students will be eligible to apply for their New Jersey Department of Education Instructional Certificates (teacher certifications): Preschool through Grade 3 (1013) & Students with Disabilities (2475).