2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

School of Curriculum and Teaching

Dr. Gilda Del Risco
Contact Number: 908-737- 3902
Email: gdelrisc@kean.edu

Undergraduate Degrees Offered:
Elementary Education Bilingual K-6

UG Content Area/2ND Academic Major Options: 

Content Areas:

  • Biology

  • Chemistry/Physics

  • English Standard

  • English Writing

  • Fine Arts

  • History

  • Mathematics

  • Music

  • Theatre

2nd Academic Majors:

  • Art History

  • Communications

  • Economics

  • Earth Science

  • Political Science

  • Psychology

  • Sociology

  • Spanish

Additional certification requirements:
Students interested in obtaining a certification upon degree conferral must submit a separate application. Please visit the Office of Teacher Certification for information regarding those instructions and the NJ Department of Education for information regarding the requirements specific to the respective certification.

Additionally, students need to pass the edTPA Portfolio Assessment.

Program Accreditation:
All programs accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Start terms:

This program offers admission in Spring and Fall.

Declaration Requirements:

Courses Requiring a Minimum Grade of B-:
Students must earn a B- or higher (exceptions made with dept. approval) to meet partial program entry requirements in the following courses: ENG 1030, MATH 1000 (other options include MATH 1010, MATH 1016 or MATH 1030), COMM 1402, BIO 1000, HIST 2303 OR HIST 2304, and EMSE 2800 or EMSE 2802.

Course Requiring a Minimum Grade of C:
Students must also earn a C or higher in the following additional courses after acceptance into the program and before Clinical Internship 1 EMSE 4710: HIST 2303 OR 2304, MATH 1010 (other options include MATH 1016, MATH 1030, MATH 1054), and a science course (options include CHEM 1010, ASTR 1100, GEOL 1200, ES 1400, and PHYS 1000). Other college level science courses are acceptable as well.

Professional Education Courses:
Students entering Kean University as freshmen or transfers must earn a B- or higher in Professional Education courses and a Satisfactory grade in EMSE 4710 and EMSE 4810. EDUC 3000 must be completed with a B- or higher prior to taking EMSE 4710. EMSE 3410 and EDUC 3400 must be taken concurrently with EMSE 4710. EMSE 4440 and EMSE 4441 must be completed prior to EMSE 4810 and 4900.
EMSE 4900 Seminar in Clinical Practice and EMSE 4810 Clinical Internship II must be taken together and no other course registration is permitted.

Additional Information:
Oral and Written Emphasis Competency in Languages of Instruction
Students entering the Bilingual Option must also demonstrate oral and written competency in both languages of instruction, for example, Spanish and English, as measured by the ACTFL Proficiency Assessment. Directions for registration and administration of this test are available in the Elementary Ed. & Bilingual Program located in Hutchinson 330. The passing scores for Bilingual Education candidates are (See the Bilingual Coordinator):

OPI – Intermediate High
WPT – Advanced Low (Intermediate High if Target Language WPT is Advanced Low or Higher)

Target Language:
OPI – Advanced Low
WPT– Advanced Low (Intermediate High if English WPT is Advanced Low or Higher)
Writing Emphasis Requirement: All students are required to complete one “Writing Emphasis” (WE) course. The WE course should be within the major program. EMSE 4440 satisfies this requirement for your Professional major. However you should consult your content major program advisor (i.e. History, Earth Science, etc.) for any requirements in the respective program.

Praxis Core Academic Skills Test: 

All students entering this program are required to take the PRAXIS Core Academic Skills Test. This is a test in preparation for the Praxis II. Students must earn passing scores on all three parts of the Core Academic Skills Test (math, writing, and reading) to become eligible to declare K-6 Bilingual as a major.

Praxis II (formerly the National Teachers Exam): The State of New Jersey requires a passing score on each of the Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects Test (No. 5031) prior to Clinical Practice II.

Graduation Requirements:
Students must have completed all degree program requirements, obtained a 3.0 GPA or higher, and have passing scores for the Praxis I and II exams.

Program Descriptions:
The Elementary Bilingual program trains future educators to promote academic success for all students through mentorship and instruction. Through coursework and experience, prospective teachers develop the skills necessary to change lives by easing the transition for English-language learners and create safe academic environments for all students. This dual-certification program provides graduates with K-6 initial teacher certification and a bilingual endorsement.