CHEM 298 Organic Chemistry 1*

The first semester of a comprehensive study of organic chemistry emphasizing structure, nomenclature, properties, synthesis and reaction mechanisms. Includes an introduction to spectroscopic methods (IR, UV-VIS, NMR and MS).


4 Credits


CHEM 112 or equivalent course



CHEM 298Organic Chemistry 1*

Please note: This is not a course syllabus. A course syllabus is unique to a particular section of a course by instructor. This curriculum guide provides general information about a course.

I. General Information


II. Course Specification

Credit Hours Narrative

4 Credits

Prerequisite Narrative

CHEM 112 or equivalent course

Corequisite Narrative


III. Catalog Course Description

The first semester of a comprehensive study of organic chemistry emphasizing structure, nomenclature, properties, synthesis and reaction mechanisms. Includes an introduction to spectroscopic methods (IR, UV-VIS, NMR and MS).

IV. Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • Students will develop a working knowledge of organic chemistry that stems from an understanding of the structure and properties of the major functional groups that is founded in reaction mechanisms.
  • Students will learn to think critically and solve challenging problems involving a wide variety of chemical skills including: structure elucidation, synthetic analysis, and mechanism proposal.
  • Students will describe and review various pertinent concepts from freshman chemistry such as bonding theories, Lewis structures, resonance, shapes of molecules, acid base theory, and structure-property relationships.
  • Alkanes: describe valence bond and molecular orbital models; describe sp, sp2,sp3 hybridization theory; draw and name alkanes, cycloalkanes, and alkyl groups using common names and IUPAC rules; describe the physical properties of alkanes, and write equations for typical reactions involving alkanes,
  • Conformations of alkanes: analyze conformations of ethane, butane, cyclohexane, and substituted cyclohexanes; describe conformations of various ring systems including heterocyclic compounds.
  • Alcohols and alkyl halides: draw and name using common and IUPAC nomenclature alcohols and alkyl halides; describe the physical properties of alcohols and alkyl halides; describe the preparation of alky halides from alcohols including a mechanistic treatment; describe the Sn1 mechanism; describe the structure, bonding, and stability of carbocations; describe typical reactions involving alcohols and alkane to form alkyl halides including free radical mechanisms.
  • Alkenes: draw and name alkenes using common and IUPAC nomenclature, learn the E-Z notation system; describe the physical properties and relative stabilities of alkenes; describe elimination reactions for preparing alkenes; describe regioselective and stereoselective reactions involving alkenes; describe E1 and E2 mechanisms; describe carbocation rearrangements; describe stereoelectronic and isotope effects; describe a comprehensive of addition reactions involving alkenes including mechanism.
  • Stereochemistry: distinguish between chiral and achiral molecules; describe optical activity, absolute and relative configurations; use the R-S notation system, draw Fischer projections; describe the properties of enantiomers; describe chiral and achiral molecules with one or multiple chirality centers; describe reactions that produce diastereomers including polymers.
  • Nucleophilic substitution: describe functional group transformation by nucleophilic substitution; describe the Sn2 mechanism including steric effects; describe nucleophiles and nucleophilicity; describe the stereochemical issues involving the Sn1 reaction and carbocation rearrangement; describe elimination versus substitution completing as reactions; describe sulfanate esters as substrates in nucleophilic substitutions
  • Alkynes: describe the sources, nomenclature, physical properties, structure, acidity, and bonding in alkynes; describe reactions involving the preparation and uses of alkynes
  • Conjugation: describe reactions and stability involving allyl groups; describe relative stabilities, bonding, and preparation of dienes; describe the Diels-Alder reaction using molecular orbital analysis.
  • Spectroscopy: describe the principles of electromagnetic radiation and quantized energy states; predict and interpret 1H and 13C spectra describe and interpret fundamental infrared, UV vis, and mass spectroscopies

V. Topical Outline (Course Content)

VI. Delivery Methodologies