Agribusiness, Associate of Arts

Identify and apply at a basic level, economic and marketing principles and strategies used in farm and agribusiness applications.

Research, evaluate, and interpret economic news and trends; and using economic theory, apply to agricultural business.

Demonstrate a practical understanding of production agriculture and challenges impacting agricultural producers and agribusinesses.

Use mathematical calculations in the analysis and decision-making process used in agribusiness management.

Discuss agricultural, biological, and technical systems and their relationship to agribusiness decision-making.

Explain economic drivers in the agricultural value chain including market drivers, cost drivers, government drivers, competitive drivers, and others.

Major Code: 1104R

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor


It is now possible to complete this degree fully through online instruction.  Please contact your advisor to discuss online availability and completion options.


Fall Semester Freshman Year

AGRI 100Agriculture and Natural Resources Seminar

1 Credit

AGRI 104Agriculture Management

4 Credits

COMM 101Fundamentals of Oral Communication

3 Credits

ENGL 101Writing and Rhetoric I

3 Credits

Program Electives

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:14

Spring Semester Freshman Year

Program Electives

3 Credits

ENGL 102Writing and Rhetoric II*

3 Credits

GNED 101Introduction to General Education

3 Credits

MATH 143College Algebra*

3 Credits

HUMA GE1Any General Education Humanistic & Artistic Way of Knowing

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Fall Semester Sophomore Year

AGRI 250Agricultural Markets

3 Credits

HUMA GE2Any 2nd Gen. Ed. Humanistic & Artistic Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits

Program Electives

3 Credits

BIOL 100Concepts of Biology

4 Credits

ECON 202Principles of Microeconomics

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:16

Spring Semester Sophomore Year

AGRI 255Entrepreneurship in Agriculture

3 Credits

Program Electives

3 Credits

SOCS GE2Any 2nd Gen. Ed. Social and Behavioral Way of Knowing Course

3 Credits

SCIG GE2 Any 2nd Gen Ed Science Course - 4 Credits

WELL GE Any Gen Ed Wellness Elective - 2 Credits

2 Credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Social & Behavioral Way of Knowing courses must be from 2 different disciplines (prefixes).

Humanistic & Artistic Way of Knowing courses must be from 2 different disciplines (prefixes).

Agriculture Program Electives (6 hours minimum)

AGRI 102Plant Science in Agriculture*

3 Credits

AGRI 102LPlant Science in Agriculture Lab*

1 Credit

AGRI 108Crop Production

4 Credits

AGRI 109Principles of Animal Science*

3 Credits

AGRI 109LPrinciples of Animal Science Lab*

1 Credit

AGRI 111Artificial Insemination of Cattle

2 Credits

AGRI 121Pest Management*

4 Credits

AGRI 158Applied Animal Nutrition*

4 Credits

AGRI 190Intro to Precision Agriculture

3 Credits

AGRI 201Wildland Plant Identification

2 Credits

AGRI 203Principles of Range Management

3 Credits

AGRI 205General Soils*

3 Credits

AGRI 205LGeneral Soils Lab*

1 Credit

AGRI 212Plant Nutrition

4 Credits

AGRI 222Animal Reproduction and Breeding

3 Credits

AGRI 240Forage Crops

3 Credits

AGRI 254Principles of Animal Breeding

3 Credits

AGRI 271Animal Anatomy and Physiology*

4 Credits

EQUS 101Introduction to Horses

2 Credits

GEOL 126Fundamentals of GIS*

3 Credits

GEOL 126LFundamentals of GIS Lab*

0 Credit

GEOL 155Introduction to GPS

2 Credits

GEOL 226Spatial Analysis With GIS*

3 Credits

GEOL 226LSpatial Analysis with GIS Lab*

0 Credit

WATR 140Irrigation*

2 Credits

WATR 140LIrrigation Lab*

1 Credit

AGRI 120Science of Animal Husbandry

3 credits


AGRI 120LThe Science of Animal Husbandry Lab

1 Credit

Total Credit Hours:6

*Prerequisite or corequisite required.

Business, Economics, and Accounting Electives (6 hrs. minimum)

ACCT 201Introduction to Financial Accounting

3 Credits

ACCT 202Introduction to Managerial Accounting*

3 Credits

BUSA 265Legal Environment

3 Credits

ECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics

3 Credits

Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 60