Retail Management, Basic Technical Certificate

Program Outcomes:

Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary in the functional areas of business: management, operations, marketing, and ¬accounting/finance.

Describe legal, social, and ethical economic considerations within a global context.

Apply computer literacy skills to conduct research and analyze business data to make critical and creative marketing decisions, identify new business trends, and address customer/client needs.

Present research, data, analysis, and conclusions through written and oral means.

Major Code: 4231V

**Alternative plans of study available by contacting your advisor

Fall Semester Freshman Year

BUSA 215Information Science and Data Management

3 Credits

BUSM 145Marketing Basics

3 Credits

COMM 101Fundamentals of Oral Communication

3 Credits

SOCY 105Human Relations

3 Credits


Spring Semester Freshman Year

ACCB 129Introduction to Bookkeeping*

3 Credits

ACCB 129LIntroduction to Bookkeeping Lab*

1 Credit

BUSM 166Retailing and Merchandising Management

3 Credits

BUSM 181Human Resources Management

3 Credits

BUSM 261Business Management

3 Credits


Total Credit Hours Required for this Major: 25