Communication Minor


A minor in Communication provides students with the opportunity to develop the fundamental portable skills they will need in any path they choose to follow after graduation. With a focus on how communication allows us to share "the commons," students can expect to develop verbal, written, digital, and group communication skills with an emphasis on the influence of culture in our communicative choices. 

Minor Requirements

15 credits

Rhetorical Core (6 credits)

COM-100Communication & Culture

3 credits

COM-101Foundations of Public Advocacy

3 credits

Methods (3 credits)

COM-250Criticism as Praxis

3 credits

Advanced Study (3 credits)

Complete 3 credits from any 300- or 400-level COM course.

Connections and Extensions (3 credits)

Complete 3 credits in any COM class not already counted, or choose 3 credits from the following list:

ART-111Ways of Seeing

3 credits

PHI-150Logic and Critical Reasoning

3 credits

PHI-214Introduction to Logic

3 credits

PHI-309Feminist Philosophy

3 credits

THE-200Introduction to Film Studies

3 credits

THE-216Voice and Diction

3 credits


Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:

1)  Demonstrate engagement with humanistic inquiry through the application of theory and methodology (appropriate to discipline) to cultures, texts, or artifacts.

  1. Describe the communication discipline and its central questions. (100)
  2. Employ communication theories, perspectives, principals, and concepts. (100; 250)
  3. Engage in communication inquiry. (100; 101; 250)
  4. Critically analyze messages. (100; 250)

2)  Provide evidence of their own artistic work and active engagement with the creative process.

  1. Create messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context. (101; 250)
  2. Understand the importance of audience, purpose, and context in their cognitive, affective, and aesthetic dimensions. (101)
  3. Demonstrate the ability to accomplish communicative goals.(101; 250)

3)  Demonstrate engagement with non-dominant cultures and cultural products.

  1. Apply ethical communication principles and practices. (100; 101; 250)
  2. Utilize communication to embrace difference. (100; 101; 250)

4)  Influence public discourse. (100; 101; 250)