Biology Minor


Major Requirements

15-16 credits

Mathematics Course (3-4 credits)

Complete one course (3-4 credits).

MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits

MAT-150Applied Calculus: A Modeling Approach

4 credits

MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits

The credits for the math requirement (MAT-125 or MAT-150 or MAT-212) are counted in the Professional Foundations minor.

Required Biology Courses (12 credits)

BIO-201Molecules to Cells

3 credits

BIO-201LMolecules to Cells Lab

1 credit


BIO-210LMolecules to Cells Research-Based Lab

1 credit


BIO-202Organismal Biology

3 credits

BIO-202LOrganismal Biology Lab

1 credit


BIO-203Ecology, Evolution and Diversity

3 credits

BIO-203LEcology Evolution and Diversity Lab

1 credit


BIO-330Cell Biology

3 credits

BIO-330LCell Biology Lab

1 credit

Additional Biology Course (3-4 credits)

Complete an additional biology course 300-level or above.


Upon successful completion of this minor, students will be able to:

1) Demonstrate the appropriate use of mathematical and computational techniques to solve problems;

2) Apply scientific reasoning to develop and test scientific questions;

3) Recognize the role of scientific inquiry and scientific knowledge in society; and

4) Demonstrate a broad-based understanding of biological principles spanning organizational levels from molecules to ecosystems.