Alternative Credit


The College of Idaho welcomes highly motivated students and recognizes that many have earned college credit for courses completed prior to enrollment. At the same time, we value the participatory and rigorous nature of College of Idaho coursework. The College of Idaho accepts a combined total of up to 30 semester credits from the following categories of alternative credit: Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or concurrent or dual enrollment (grade of C or better).

Alternative credits are any college credits earned prior to the date of high school graduation. Alternative credits are not considered transfer credits. Although alternative credits may apply toward the 124 credits required for graduation, they do not count toward the 28 transfer credits that would allow a student to complete less than the full PEAK curriculum. Students entering The College of Idaho with alternative credits are considered first-time students. Students must initiate the acceptance of alternative credits with the Registrar's Office. Credit toward program and/or graduation requirements will be determined on a course-by-course basis.

Advanced Placement (AP)

High school graduates who receive scores of 3, 4, or 5 on College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examinations may be granted placement and college credit in the appropriate subjects. All scores of 3 will only yield general elective credits.  Typically, AP courses cannot be used to satisfy graduation requirements unless approved by the department in which those credits are to be granted. However, even departments that do not customarily accept AP courses to satisfy a graduation requirement will consider appeals from students.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

AP Exam Title

Minimum Score for Equivalent Course  Credit

Equivalent Course 

Credits Awarded


Art History N/A No credit given N/A
2-D Art and Design 4 ART-1XX: Art Elective  3
3-D Art and Design 4 ART-1XX: Art Elective  3
Drawing 4 ART-1XX: Art Elective  3
Music Theory 4  MUS-101 3


English Language & Composition 4 ENG-1XX: English Elective 
English Literature & Composition 4  ENG-1XX: English Elective


Comparative Government & Politics
4 POE-1XX: Political Economy Elective  3
European History 4 HIS-1XX: History Elective  3
Human Geography N/A No credit given  N/A 
Macroeconomics  4 POE-1XX: Political Economy Elective  3
Microeconomics  4 POE-1XX: Political Economy Elective  3
Psychology  4  PSY-100 3
United States Government & Politics  4  POE-1XX: Political Economy Elective 3
United States History  4 HIS-1XX: History Elective   3
World History  4  HIS-1XX: History Elective  3


Calculus AB 4 MAT-1XX: Math Elective 3
Calculus BC 4 MAT-1XX: Math Elective 3
Calculus BC 5 MAT-1XX: Math Elective 4
Computer Science A 4 CSC-1XX: Computer Science Elective   3
Computer Science Principles 4 CSC-1XX: Computer Science Elective   3
Precalculus N/A No credit given N/A
Statistics 4 MAT-1XX: Math Elective   3


Biology 4  BIO-1XX: Biology Elective 3
Biology 5  BIO-1XX or BIO-201/L* 3-4
Chemistry 4 CHE-1XX: Chemistry Elective 3
Chemistry 5 CHE-1XX or CHE-141/L* 4
Environmental Science 4 ENV-161 / ENV-161L 4
Physics 1 & 2 (B): Algebra-Based 4 PHY-2XX 3
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 4 PHY-2XX 4
Physics C: Mechanics 4 PHY-2XX 4
Physics C: Mechanics 5 PHY-271 3


Chinese Language & Culture 3 GEN-1XX 3
French Language & Culture
4 FRE-1XX 3
German Language & Culture 4 MFL-1XX 3
Italian Language & Culture N/A No credit given N/A
Japanese Language & Culture N/A No credit given N/A
Latin 4  MFL-1XX 3
Spanish Language & Culture 4 SPA-1XX** 3
Spanish Literature & Culture 4 SPA-1XX** 3

*If a student can substantiate lab work completed, then the equivalent of CHE-141/L or BIO-201/L for 4 credits will be awarded with a score of 5; otherwise, BIO-1XX for 3 credits will be awarded.

**Please contact the department chair to see if AP credits can be applied to major or minor requirements.

Concurrent or Dual Enrollment

The College of Idaho accepts up to 30 credits of concurrent or dual enrollment coursework in which the student received a grade of C or better.  (A limit of 30 credits will be accepted from any combination of alternative credit categories identified in the current section's Overview.)

If a student has a conferred academic associate degree on their transcript from a regionally-accredited institution that was earned during high school, the College will accept all credits up to 70 semester credits.  The student will be treated like a first-year student in all other aspects.  They will be required to complete the full PEAK program, one major and three minors. If they have completed the equivalent of First-Year Seminar, then they will be required to take the Transfer Seminar course.

International Baccalaureate

The College of Idaho has found International Baccalaureate (IB) students to be very successful during their tenure on campus. The College appreciates the rigor and integrity of the IB curriculum. Therefore, students who have completed the IB Diploma with a minimum score of 28 will receive the following:

  • Thirty (30) units of credit toward graduation upon enrollment.
  • Preferred status for admission.
  • Enhanced opportunity for merit scholarships.

For those who earned the IB Diploma with scores lower than 28, College of Idaho credit will be awarded as follows:

IB Diploma Score/Points

C of I Credits

27 25
26 20
25 15
24 10

Credit toward completion of graduation requirements will be determined on a course-by-course basis.

For those who have taken IB courses but have not earned the IB Diploma, credit will be determined on a course-by-course basis.

High school students who enroll in the International Baccalaureate Diploma program and take Advanced Placement courses during their high school years will receive college credit based only on their Diploma score. If an AP exam is taken in an academic area not offered through the IB Diploma program, students may receive college credit at the discretion of the Registrar.

Spanish Placement, Transfer and Concurrent Credit

All students with previous Spanish language study, a previous study-abroad residence, or other significant exposure to the Spanish language must take a College of Idaho-approved test to determine their proficiency level for initial placement into a Spanish course.

Students who are admitted to The College of Idaho with concurrent credit or credit transferred from other regionally-accredited colleges and universities will begin their Spanish study according to their proficiency placement test, regardless of concurrent or transfer credit coursework transcript indicators. If a student feels the placement is incorrect, the student may complete a verbal interview and direct writing assessment with a designated Spanish instructor. The faculty member will then analyze data from these sources to advise the student into the most appropriate course. If the initial placement results in the student retaking the same 100-level course(s), the student will receive credit only for the duplicate course(s) taken for credit at The College of Idaho. If the initial placement results in the student retaking the same 200-level course(s) or above, the student will receive general elective 2XX, 3XX, or 4XX credit as appropriate for the concurrent or transfer coursework that duplicates courses subsequently taken for credit at The College of Idaho. In such cases, the general elective credits will apply toward the number of credits required for graduation, and may apply toward the Spanish major or minor, but at least one-third of Spanish major and minor coursework must be earned at The College of Idaho.

Likewise, students who participate in a study-abroad program and place into a course that duplicates their College of Idaho coursework shall receive general elective credits, but such repeat credits will not apply toward a Spanish major or minor.