Interdisciplinary Studies for Elementary Precertification Major

Fulfills requirements of SSH PEAK


Students who wish to earn elementary certification complete the Interdisciplinary Studies for Elementary Precertification Major in the SSH PEAK. Students will select PEAK minors in the Humanities & Fine Arts (HFA), and Natural Sciences & Math (NSM) PEAKs, one of which must be a “Second Teaching Field” minor, in addition to completing the Professional Foundations & Enhancements Minor in the PFE PEAK.

41 credits

Interdisciplinary Requirements

Complete the following six courses (17 Credits):

HIS-200Introduction to the History of United States

3 credits

MAT-113Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I

3 credits

MAT-114Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II

2 credits

MAT-115Mathematics for Elementary Teachers III

3 credits

POE-100Essentials of American Government

3 credits

PSY-221Educational Psychology

3 credits

Complete the following Education courses (these meet the pre-certification requirements of the Idaho State Department of Education):

EDU-202Introduction to Teaching

3 credits

EDU-253Language Development and Literacy

3 credits

EDU-301Foundations of Schooling

3 credits

EDU-304Literacy Assessment and Intervention

3 credits

EDU-305Literacy in Content Areas

3 credits

EDU-430Teaching in a Diverse Society

3 credits

EDU-441Curriculum and Instruction

3 credits

EDU-442Teaching Exceptional Children

3 credits


Upon successful completion of this major, students will be able to:

1) understand how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and design and implement developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences (Standard 1, ICTS);
2) understand how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues (Standard 5, ICTS);
3) plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context (Standard 7, ICTS);
4) understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways (Standard 8, ICTS); and
5) understand schools as organizations within a historical, cultural, political, and social context and know how to work with others across the system to support learners (Standard 10, ICTS; Indicator a).