AM8831 Internship 4

The DAOM Internship program is conducted in conjunction with the University of Washington and Harborview Medical Center's Pain Medicine and Anesthesiology Department in Seattle. Students attend formal Table Rounds with Harborview's integrated Pain Medicine team and identify select patients as candidates for acupuncture. With guidance from the DAOM supervisor, students perform patient interviews and case assessments and provide acupuncture treatment to willing candidates who may benefit. Students are trained in and follow hospital clean technique procedures and HMC medical documentation systems. Treatment choices are in part shaped by acupuncture outcomes research questions being investigated by HMC and Bastyr's DAOM program. One quarter's clinical rotation consists of 48 total hours. At the end of the quarter students are evaluated by their Bastyr supervisor(s) on various aspects of clinical practice including professionalism, communication and collaboration, biomedical safety procedures, and TCM diagnosis and treatment.




AM7834 and fulfillment of Harborview Medical Center clinical requirements