Course Catalog

Registration and Financial Information

Note: All tuition and fees are subject to revision by the Board of Trustees.

Expenses: 2020-2021

Tuition for full-time Simmons University undergraduates admitted prior to Fall 2017 (registered for 12 credits or more) is charged on a flat-rate basis. Tuition for the 2020–2021 academic year is $21,038 ($23,052 for nursing students) per semester.

Tuition for full-time undergraduates admitted after Fall 2017 (registered for 12-18 credits) is charged on a flat- rate basis. A traditional full-time undergraduate admitted after Fall 2017 who takes greater than 18 credits will be charged per credit for any credit over the 18 credit maximum. Tuition for full-time undergraduates formally admitted to an accelerated degree program (3+1, 3+3, 4+1) after Fall 2017 (registered for 12-22 credits) is charged on a flat-rate basis. A full-time undergraduate formally admitted to an accelerated degree program after Fall 2017 who takes greater than 22 credits will be charged per credit for any credit over the 22 credit maximum.

Tuition for part-time undergraduates (registered for fewer than 12 credits), flat-rate undergraduates registered over the credit maximum and Dorothea Lynde Dix Scholars is based on a $1,315 (non-nursing) and $1,440 (nursing) charge per credit hour of instruction.

In addition, all full-time undergraduates (12 or more semester hours per semester) and all part-time resident students must pay the Health Center Fee ($465 per semester). The Health Center Fee entitles a student to the services of the Simmons Health Center and is unrelated to the Student Health Insurance Plan. The cost for room and board for undergraduates is $7,790per semester.  All full-time undergraduates and full-time Dix Scholars pay a $155 per semester student Activity Fee, which supports a number of student-run activities and events. Students who Study Abroad will be charged a $1,250 Study Abroad Fee.

For a full-time undergraduate student, the following college budget is suggested:

Full-Year Budget (2020-2021)
Tuition Resident Commuter
Non-Nursing $40,850 $40,850
Nursing $44,760 $44,760
Residence $14,020*** N/A
Resident (Dix Scholars) $14,020*** N/A
Health Center Fee $837 $837
Student Activity Fee $230 $230
Student Health Insurance $4,241 $4,241
Non-Nursing Total $60,180 $
Nursing Total $63,331 $63,997
Approximately $1200 should be budgeted for books and supplies.

****Student Health Insurance is charged once per year to any student enrolled in 9 or more credits. If you do not wish to enroll in the school provided plan, you can waive it. The waiver must be completed once a year by the deadline. Learn more about Student Health Insurance. The updated insurance rate for the 2021-2021 academic year will be available in May.

***12 week Fall rate for students approved to live on campus until Thanksgiving break.


Simmons Student Health Insurance Plan

All students taking 9 or more credits are required by Massachusetts State law to enroll in the Student Health Insurance Plan or be covered by a health insurance plan with comparable coverage. To ensure compliance with Massachusetts State law, Simmons students are automatically billed for the Student Health Plan, which is separate from the Health Center fee. Failure to submit a waiver form by the stated deadline will result in automatic enrollment. Students are not allowed to waive coverage with a foreign insurance carrier or Health Safety Net Plan. Only insurance companies within the United States will be accepted as substitutes for the Simmons Student Health Insurance Plan.

Simmons University does not offer Student Health Insurance to students enrolled in less than 9 credits OR to the dependent(s) of any Simmons student.
If you are covered under a comparable insurance plan you may be eligible to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan. Waivers must be completed online at the website of our insurance provider, The deadline to waive the Student Health Insurance Plan for the fall semester is August 1, 2020 and the deadline to waive for the spring semester is December 15, 2020. Failure to waive by these dates will result in mandatory enrollment with no possibility of reversal or refund of the insurance costs.

Payment Methods and Policies

Charges for tuition, fees, residence, and any prior balance must be paid in full each semester before a student may attend classes. A student’s registration is complete and official when the student has completed registration and has settled all charges with Student Financial Services. Students are urged to complete payment in full by the due dates of August 1st for the fall semester, December 15th for the spring semester, and May 5th for the summer semester. Simmons cannot assure that payments received after the due date will be processed in time to clear the student’s official registration. Students who do not settle their accounts prior to the first day of classes may have to select courses on a space-available basis. Students whose payments are received after the due dates will be charged a $200 late payment fee ($100 is assessed at the due date; an additional $100 is assessed on the first day of the term). A fee of $20, in addition to the above late payment fees, will be charged for any dishonored check.

Simmons University provides the convenience of making quick and easy online payments toward your student account balance. MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover are accepted. Please note that a service fee of 2.85% of the total payment amount will also be charged to the credit card. Simmons neither charges nor collects the service fee. You may also make a check payment online using the Electronic Check option. There is no fee for an Electronic Check payment. Students can gain access to both the Electronic Check and Credit Card payment options using the online Student Account Center accessible through AARC.

Authorized Users -- individuals such as parents, an employer, a spouse, etc. -- can make payments on behalf of a Simmons student after the student grants access. When access has been granted, the Authorized User will receive an email with instructions to create a login and make payments. Authorized Users only have access to the financial information the student has made available to them through the online Student Account Center. They will not have access to other information in AARC such as grades or registration information.

Payment by paper check should be mailed to either of the two addresses stated below:

Payment with Billing Stub:

Simmons University

PO Box 414104

Boston, MA 02241-4101

Payment without Billing Stub:

Simmons University

Cashier Window, W-207

300 The Fenway

Boston, MA 02115-5898

or presented at the Cashier Window in the Main College Building, W-207.

Simmons has partnered with Tuition Management Systems (TMS) to offer the Monthly Payment Plan. Payment plans are the sensible approach to paying education expenses. They allow for smaller, affordable payments instead of paying your balance in one large lump sum. Both annual and semester plans are available. Please visit for detailed enrollment information.


All students are required to e-sign a financial agreement in order to register each semester. Important sections of that financial agreement are included below:

The student account constitutes a financial obligation between the student and Simmons and reflects a balance owed for Educational Benefits. All students are required to e-sign the Financial Agreement to expressly authorize Simmons to charge to their account all tuition, fees, costs, interest, expenses and other charges incurred by the student as a result of attending Simmons.

All student account balances are payable in full according to the policy stated in the current Simmons Student Handbook. A late fee will be assessed for non-compliance with payment deadlines. Balances may be paid in full at any time prior to the deadline(s), and financial aid funds may be applied to current and new charges on the student account.

Educational Benefits that students receive from Simmons without advance payment are being provided on credit and such extension of credit by Simmons constitutes a qualified educational loan that may not be dischargeable in bankruptcy proceedings pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 523 (a) (8). This may be the case even if no actual funds are being advanced to the student or change hands, but are rather being applied as a pass-through, transfer or otherwise.

If it becomes necessary for Simmons to enforce payment of a student account, the student agrees to reimburse Simmons the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 33.33% of the debt, and all lawful costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, which Simmons may incur in such collection efforts.

Simmons retains a security interest in and/or hold on all unofficial and official transcripts, diplomas, certificates and letters of recommendation, or grade reports, which may not be released until all debts and the student account are fully paid. Withdrawal from Simmons may not relieve a student of the financial obligation for payment of tuition and fees in accordance with this Financial Agreement and the policy statement in the current catalog. Simmons, at its sole discretion, may prevent future registration until all financial obligations have been satisfied.

By signing the Financial Agreement, students authorize Simmons and its agents, representatives, attorneys and contractors (including collection agencies) to contact them regarding their student account and educational loan through my mobile phone, home phone and email, including current and future numbers and including by way of text, automated message calls or automated telephone dialing equipment or artificial or pre-recorded voice and text messages.

All notices required to be given by Simmons in connection with the student account or educational loan shall be deemed to have been delivered on the day deposited into the United States mail, properly addressed and postage prepaid. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their contact information with Simmons College is up to date and accurate.

Tuition and Residence Deposits

A non-refundable $250 tuition deposit is required of all candidates upon acceptance. The deposit is credited to the student account and appears as a credit on the first bill. The tuition deposited is forfeited if the student does not register for courses during the year for which they are accepted. A $250 residence deposit is required before a room can be reserved on campus. The residence deposit will remain on deposit as long as the student remains in on-campus housing. New students will receive information on how to accept their admission offer and pay their enrollment deposit in their acceptance materials.

Refund Policies

Undergraduate Tuition General Refund Policy

Courses dropped after the start of the semester are subject to partial tuition charges. The official tuition refund schedule can be found on the Student Financial Services website. All requests to add or drop a course must be made in writing to the Registrar’s Office through an add/drop form or via email at The refund amount is determined by the date the registration change request is received. Non-attendance in a course does not constitute withdrawal from that course. The refund policy applies to any course dropped after the start of the term.

Special Rules Affecting Financial Aid Recipients Refund Policy and Return of Title IV Funds

If a student should completely withdraw from all coursework once classes begin in the fall or spring semesters, they may still be accountable for a portion of tuition, fees and room & board. Simmons University is responsible for adhering to rules established by the federal government that determine the amounts of federal financial aid (Stafford, Pell, Perkins, SEOG, TEACH) a student is allowed to keep toward University charges.

When federal Title IV grant or loan assistance is disbursed, but the recipient does not complete the enrollment period, the law requires that Simmons University calculate the amount that must be returned by the school and/or student to Title IV program accounts.

The date the student initiates the withdrawal is used for calculating the percentage used in the formula for Return of Title IV funds. Students are required to initiate their withdrawal by completing the electronic wufoo form. The data from this form is sent to all of the appropriate offices on campus that play a part in processing a student’s withdrawal. The date the student files the form is used as the date of the withdrawal as it serves as the date the student notified the institution of their intent to withdraw. In addition, the Registrar’s Office sends a weekly report of all leaves and withdrawals and this report captures any withdrawals by a student who did not complete the wufoo form but was determined to no longer be enrolled (in these cases the withdrawal date is the date the institution became aware the student was no longer enrolled).The number of days from the 1st class day to the withdrawal date divided by the number of days in the payment period (semester) equals the percentage of Title IV funds earned. If the withdrawal date is after the 60% point of the semester, the student has earned 100% of the Title IV funds.

If the total amount of Title IV grant and/or loan assistance that the student earned is less than the amount disbursed to or on behalf of the student, the difference between these amounts must be returned to the Title IV programs in the following order of priority (not to exceed the amount originally disbursed):
1. Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
2. Subsidized Stafford Loans
3. Direct PLUS Loans
4. Federal Pell Grant
5. Federal SEOG Grant
6. Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant

The school and the student share the responsibility for returning Title IV aid. The school returns "unearned" Title IV funds that have been paid to the school to cover the student's institutional charges received from Title IV grant and/or loan programs.

The school must return Title IV funds due to the federal programs no later than 30 days after the date the school determines the student withdrew.

If the student owes funds back to the Title IV programs, the institution will advise the student within 45 days of determining that the student withdrew. The student has 45 days from the date of notification from the institution to take action on the over payment. If the student's portion of unearned Title IV funds included a federal grant, the student has to pay no more than 50% of the initial amount that the student is responsible for returning. Immediate repayment of the unearned loan amount is not required because the student repays the loan to the lender according to the terms or conditions in the promissory note. The institution will advise the lender of the student's withdrawal within 45 days of determining the student withdrew.

No additional disbursements may be made to the student for the enrollment period. If the student does not repay the amount owed to the Title IV programs or does not make satisfactory payment arrangements with the U.S. Department of Education, Simmons University will report to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) that the student received an over payment. The student loses eligibility for further Title IV aid until resolved.


NOTE: Dollar amounts are for example only and are not true current costs.

Rachel has been awarded the following package for Fall 2016:

  • Federal Pell Grant - $1200
  • Federal Work-Study - $1250
  • Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan - $1750
  • Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan - $2000

Rachel withdraws from all of her classes on October 5, 2016. The total amount of Title IV Aid that is subject to the Return of Title IV Calculation is $4950. The percentage of Title IV aid Rachel has earned is 31.1%. The total amount of Title IV aid that was earned by the student is $1539.45.

The total amount of Title IV aid to be returned is $4950 - $1539.45 = $3410.55

Total charges for Fall 2015 semester is $8420 tuition and fees. The amount of Title IV aid unearned is 68.9%. The charges times the amount of unearned aid is $8420 X 68.9% = $5801.38

The amount of Title IV aid to be returned by the school is the lesser of the two, or $3410.55. Therefore, Simmons University would return $2000 Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan and $1410.55 Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan to the federal government. Simmons will also report the withdrawal effective October 5, 2016 to the National Student Clearinghouse.

The student in this example would not need to return any additional funds since the amount to be returned by the school was the same amount to be returned.

Post withdrawal disbursement

If a student’s loans were originated but did not disburse and they were enrolled at least half time when they ceased to be enrolled, they may be eligible for a post withdrawal disbursement (PWD). (note: The student may need to resolve an issue that prevented loans from disbursing. For example, if they did not complete their loan documentation but the loan had originated, regulations state the student can complete them after last day of attending.) 

We will communicate with the student, or parent in the case of a parent PLUS loan, and inform them that they can accept all, a portion or none of the PWD. The normal timeframe we allow them is 15 days to inform us of their wishes. If they do not meet our deadline, then the loan funding is cancelled. We can, on a case by case basis, extend that deadline as long as the overall length is within scope of the federal regulations.

If the student has completed their loan documents but does not respond to the offer of the PWD, the loan will need to be cancelled.

Example, using the same example from above:


Rachel withdraws from all of her classes on October 5, 2016 but at the time she withdraws, her loans had not yet disbursed. The total amount of Title IV aid that was earned by Rachel is $1539.45 but the total aid that was disbursed was $1200 (her Pell Grant).

The total amount of Title IV aid eligible for a post withdrawal disbursement is $1539.45- $1200 = $339.45

The student would receive a letter from the Financial Aid office stating the details of her return calculation and letting her know about her eligibility for a post withdrawal disbursement. She would have 15 days in which to confirm that she would like her post withdrawal disbursement.


In the case of a student who has earned Title IV funds that exceed their charges (more common when there are 100% earned funds) the school is required to perform the return calculation and then within 14 days of the date the institution performed the calculation, pay any remaining credit balance as a refund to the student. There is a weekly process of verifying and generating all student refunds which will then be mailed to the student. This ensures we remain compliant with the 14 day timeframe.

Using the example above:
If any part of the $1,539.45 Title IV disbursement exceeded the institutional charges, the student would be eligible for a titled IV refund. This would automatically be generated and sent to the student within the 14 day timeframe.



General Tuition Refund Policy
Courses dropped on or before Tuition charges cancelled
Fall semester 2020
September 11 100 percent
September 19 80 percent
September 25 60 percent
October 2 40 percent
October 9 20 percent
On or after October 10 0 percent
Spring semester
Pending final calendar  
By11:59 on the day before the 
2nd class meeting
100 percent
On or after the day of 2nd
class meeting
80 percent
On or after the day of 3rd
class meeting
0 percent


The federal rules assume that a student earns their aid based on the period of time they remained enrolled.
State and institutional funds are also subject to change due to withdrawal. If a student is considering withdrawal, they should meet with a financial aid counselor to discuss the financial implications prior to changing their enrollment. All non-financial aid students who withdraw from some or all classes are subject to the Simmons general tuition refund policy, which provides partial refunds of tuition only for the first four weeks of classes. When a student withdraws, any adjusted Simmons charges that have not yet been paid are still owed to Simmons University. If the account is referred to collection, any associated expenses will be added to the balance due. Many privileges are suspended for students who are not in good standing with the University, including the release of academic transcripts and diplomas. Questions regarding refunds should be directed to Student Financial Services.

Dropping a Course

Registration reserves a student’s place in a course. This registration is binding, both financially and academically. Should a student decide not to attend class, written notification to the Registrar’s Office (using the add/drop form, or via email at is required. Courses dropped after the beginning of the semester are subject to partial charges. Please visit the Student Financial Services website to review the tuition refund schedule for the current academic year

Registration and Billing

Registration: New and Returning Students

New and returning students should finalize their registrations before September 2nd for the fall semester and before January 19th for the spring semester. An officially registered student is one who has completed registration per instructions, has obtained any necessary approvals, and has settled all charges with Student Financial Services. Students may make registration changes without financial penalty before the second Friday of the fall or spring semester. Students may, with the permission of the instructor and their advisor, make changes to their course registrations during the third and fourth week of classes. No student may register for any course after the fourth Friday of either semester.

Billing: New and Returning Students

Initial tuition bills are mailed and emailed in mid-June for the fall semester and mid-November for the spring semester. Subsequent billing statements are sent monthly throughout the duration of the semester for any account with a balance due. Billing correspondence is mailed to the current home address on file and emailed to the Simmons email address as well as the email address of any Authorized User the student has added. Students are responsible for maintaining accurate demographic information. Tuition e-bills are also uploaded monthly to the online Student Account Center which can be accessed via AARC. Any student who is registered but does not receive a bill by these dates should contact Student Financial Services immediately. For new students who are accepted to the College after the respective billing dates noted above, all charges are payable upon receipt.