Reading Content Course

ACC201Intermediate Accounting I3
ACC202Intermediate Accounting II3
ACC203Managerial Accounting3
ACC204Tax Accounting3
ACC205Computerized Accounting Systems3
ANT101Cultural Anthropology3
ASL205Deaf Literature & ASL Folklore3
BIO101Human Biology3
BIO102Human Biology Laboratory1
BIO103Human Nutrition & Health3
BIO104Human Nutrition & Health Laboratory1
BIO108Marine Biology4
BIO111Introductory Biology I4
BIO112Introductory Biology II4
BIO115Physiological Chemistry4
BIO121Anatomy & Physiology I4
BIO122Anatomy & Physiology II4
BIO215General Ecology4
BIO230Cell Biology4
BUS101Introduction to Business3
BUS102Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
BUS105Managerial Business Communications3
BUS211Business Law I3
CHM111College Chemistry I4
CHM121General Chemistry I4
CHM122General Chemistry II4
CHM203Instrumental Analysis4
CHM221Organic Chemistry I4
CHM222Organic Chemistry II4
CHW100Personal Health and Wellness3
CHW101Introduction to Public Health3
CHW103Health Education3
CHW202Introduction to Public Health Administration3
CHW204Environmental Health3
CHW206Prevention and Community Health3
CHW208Public Health Preparedness3
CRJ101Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CRJ102Incarceration & Alternatives3
CRJ103Modern Policing3
CRJ201Critical Incident Response3
CRJ202Criminal Law3
CRJ204Criminal Investigation3
CRJ205Response to Terrorism3
CRJ250Senior Seminar/Project3
CRJ291Criminal Justice Internship3
DAS102Dental Materials and Procedures4
ECE101Introduction to Early Childhood Education3
ECE111Preschool Curriculum3
ECE113Learning Environments for Infants & Toddlers3
ECE181Early Childhood Education Field Placement I1
ECE182Early Childhood Education Field Placement II1
ECE201Language & Reading Development in Early Childhood3
ECE202Expressive Learning Activities in Early Childhood Curriculum3
ECE203Math/Science for Early Childhood Curriculum3
ECE211Child Care Administration3
ECE250Seminar in Philosophy of Early Childhood Education3
ECE271Early Childhood Education Practicum I4
ECE272Early Childhood Education Practicum II4
ECO201Micro Economics3
ECO202Macro Economics3
EDU101Introduction to Teaching3
EDU102Introduction to Special Education3
EDU202Teaching Strategies for Literacy Learning3
EDU203Diversity & Multiculturalism in Education3
EMS103Introduction to Paramedicine2
EMS104Pharmacology for the Paramedic2
EMS106Medical Emergencies2
EMS108Trauma Emergencies3
EMS110Cardiovascular Emergencies2
EMS112Special Populations in Paramedicine2
ENG102English Composition II3
ENG103Technical Writing3
ENG111Creative Writing3
ENG113Creative Writing: Non-Fiction3
ENG115Creative Writing: Fiction3
ENG116Creative Writing: Poetry3
ERS110Earth Science3
ERS125Environmental Issues4
ERS135Introduction to Astronomy4
ERS140Physical Geology4
FIN201Business Finance3
GOV101American Government & Politics3
GOV102Introduction to Political Science3
GOV211Civil Rights & Liberties3
HIS101US History I3
HIS102US History II3
HIS111Western Civilization I3
HIS112Western Civilization II3
HIS121World Civilization I3
HIS122World Civilization II3
HIS201Recent US History3
HIS223The Modern Middle East3
HIS224Vietnam War3
HIS250World War II3
HIS253History and Film3
HIS255Quest for the Presidency3
HST104Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism3
HST209Meeting, Event & Conference Management3
HST214Hotel Operations & Organizational Management3
HST215Food & Beverage Management3
HST216Front Office Procedures3
HST250Seminars & Work Experience in Hospitality3
HUS101Introduction to Human Services3
HUS103Community Resources and Client Populations3
HUS150Issues in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities3
HUS170Modalities of Treatment3
HUS171Alcohol & Drug Abuse3
HUS172Counseling Techniques with Substance Abuse3
HUS190Human Services Practicum I4
HUS191HUS Practicum I in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services4
HUS192HUS Practicum II in Alcohol/Drug Abuse Services4
HUS201Group Dynamics3
HUS202Behavior Management Principles & Techniques3
HUS210Fundamentals in Children's Behavioral Health3
HUS250Seminar in Human Services3
HUS291Human Services Practicum II4
JRN101Journalism I3
JRN102Journalism II3
JRN201Copy Editing3
LIT201American Literature I3
LIT202American Literature II3
LIT211British Literature I3
LIT212British Literature II3
LIT213Shakespeare Literature3
LIT215Dramatic Literature3
LIT220The Graphic Novel3
LIT231The Art of the Movies3
LIT251Mythology and Literature3
LIT263The Short Story3
LIT264The Novel3
LIT267Children's Literature3
LIT271World Literature I3
LIT272World Literature II3
LIT275International Experience in Literature3
MGT201Principles of Management3
MGT205Human Resource Management3
MKT210Principles of Marketing3
NUR110Nursing I4
NUR113Pharmacology I1
NUR120Nursing II4
NUR123Pharmacology II1
NUR205Issues in Professional Nursing2
NUR210Nursing III4
NUR213Pharmacology III1
NUR220Nursing IV5
PHI101Introduction to Philosophy3
PHI102Issues in Philosophy3
PHI121Practical Logic3
PHI204Philosophy through Film3
PNS105Issues and Trends in Practical Nursing1
PNS110Practical Nursing I5
PNS120Practical Nursing II5
PNS130Practical Nursing III6
PSG105Physiology for Sleep Technologists3
PSY101Introduction to Psychology3
PSY105Organizational Behavior3
PSY110Lifespan Psychology3
PSY200Basic Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences3
PSY201Developmental Psychology I: Childhood & Adolescence3
PSY202Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood & Aging3
PSY203Child Psychology3
PSY204Adolescent Psychology3
PSY205Psychology of Personality3
PSY206Social Psychology3
PSY207Abnormal Psychology3
REL101World Religions3
SCI105Laboratory Methods4
SCI110Global Discoveries in Science4
SCI111Physical Science I4
SCI112Physical Science II4
SCI130Forensic Science4
SOC101Introduction to Sociology3
SOC104Introduction to Criminology3
SOC107Contemporary Social Problems3
SOC204Race & Ethnic Relations3
SOC208Sex and Gender in a Global World3
TLT105International & Domestic Destinations3
TLT110Introduction to the Travel & Tourism Industry3