Liberal Arts Elective

ANT101Cultural Anthropology3
ART100Introduction to the Creative Experience3
ART104Art History From Prehistory to Early Renaissance3
ART105Art History from the Renaissance to the Present3
ART106Exploring the Arts3
ART108Three Dimensional Foundations4
ART109Two Dimensional Foundations4
ART111Drawing I4
ART112Drawing II4
ART115Digital Foundations3
ART130Introduction to Digital Photography3
ART140Computer Graphics3
ART141Digital Imaging I3
ART143Publication Design3
ART153Introduction to Game Design3
ART160Art of the Graphic Novel3
ART208Sculpture I4
ART214Figure Drawing4
ART220Graphic Design/Visual Communication Seminar3
ART222Studio Lighting3
ART231Painting I4
ART232Painting II4
ART235Portfolio for Art1
ART241Digital Imaging II3
ART250Web Design3
ART253Motion Graphics3
ART2543D Modeling3
ASL101Elementary American Sign Language I4
ASL102Elementary American Sign Language II4
ASL111Intermediate American Sign Language I4
ASL112Intermediate American Sign Language II4
ASL201Advanced American Sign Language I4
ASL202Advanced American Sign Language II4
ASL203American Sign Language Linguistics3
ASL205Deaf Literature & ASL Folklore3
BIO101Human Biology3
BIO102Human Biology Laboratory1
BIO103Human Nutrition & Health3
BIO104Human Nutrition & Health Laboratory1
BIO108Marine Biology4
BIO111Introductory Biology I4
BIO112Introductory Biology II4
BIO115Physiological Chemistry4
BIO117Field Studies in Natural Systems4
BIO121Anatomy & Physiology I4
BIO122Anatomy & Physiology II4
BIO215General Ecology4
BIO225Topics in Biology Seminar3
BIO230Cell Biology4
CHM111College Chemistry I4
CHM121General Chemistry I4
CHM122General Chemistry II4
CHM203Instrumental Analysis4
CHM221Organic Chemistry I4
CHM222Organic Chemistry II4
COM102Video Field Production3
COM105Film Studies3
COM111Public Speaking3
COM112Interpersonal Communication3
COM113Principles of Public Relations3
COM115Introduction to Mass Communication3
COM199Communication Internship3
DAN101Dance Composition3
DAN128Hip-Hop Dance3
DAN131Jazz Dance3
DAN132Jazz Dance Techniques3
DAN141Modern Dance3
DAN142Modern Dance Techniques3
DAN147World Dance I3
DAN201Dance Performance3
DAN203Dance Pedagogy3
ECO201Micro Economics3
ECO202Macro Economics3
ENG101English Composition I3
ENG102English Composition II3
ENG103Technical Writing3
ENG111Creative Writing3
ENG113Creative Writing: Non-Fiction3
ENG115Creative Writing: Fiction3
ENG116Creative Writing: Poetry3
ERS110Earth Science3
ERS125Environmental Issues4
ERS135Introduction to Astronomy4
ERS140Physical Geology4
ESL110ESL Transitional Writing4
FRN101Introductory French 13
FRN102Introductory French 23
GEO101Introduction to Geography3
GOV101American Government & Politics3
GOV102Introduction to Political Science3
GOV211Civil Rights & Liberties3
HIS101US History I3
HIS102US History II3
HIS111Western Civilization I3
HIS112Western Civilization II3
HIS121World Civilization I3
HIS122World Civilization II3
HIS201Recent US History3
HIS223The Modern Middle East3
HIS224Vietnam War3
HIS250World War II3
HIS253History and Film3
HIS255Quest for the Presidency3
HON200Honors Seminar3
HON201Honors Humanities3
HUM102Introduction to Liberal Arts3
HUM199Humanities Internship3
ITN101Introductory Italian 13
JRN101Journalism I3
JRN102Journalism II3
JRN201Copy Editing3
LIT200Introduction to Literary Studies3
LIT201American Literature I3
LIT202American Literature II3
LIT211British Literature I3
LIT212British Literature II3
LIT213Shakespeare Literature3
LIT215Dramatic Literature3
LIT220The Graphic Novel3
LIT231The Art of the Movies3
LIT251Mythology and Literature3
LIT263The Short Story3
LIT264The Novel3
LIT267Children's Literature3
LIT271World Literature I3
LIT272World Literature II3
LIT275International Experience in Literature3
LNG111Integrated Communication for Multilingual Learners 13
LNG112Writing for Multilingual Learners 13
LNG121Integrated Communication for Multilingual Learners 23
LNG122Writing for Multilingual Learners 23
LNG131Integrated Communication for Multilingual Learners 33
LNG132Writing Fusion for Multilingual Learners3
MAT114Math for Careers in Health Science3
MAT115Applied Mathematics4
MAT118Mathematical Ideas I3
MAT119Mathematical Ideas II3
MAT122Quantitative Reasoning3
MAT130Precalculus for Business/Social/Life Sciences4
MAT171Calculus for Business/Social/Life Sciences4
MAT251Calculus I4
MAT252Calculus II4
MAT253Calculus III4
MAT254Differential Equations4
MAT255Discrete Math4
MAT260Linear Algebra4
MUS101Introduction to Music3
MUS102Introduction to Western Music3
MUS112Introduction to World Music3
MUS115Aural Skills I1
MUS116Aural Skills II1
MUS120Music Reading and Writing3
MUS121Music Theory I3
MUS122Music Theory II3
MUS124Introduction to Music Technology3
MUS131Piano I3
MUS132Piano II3
MUS133Class Guitar3
MUS135Ensemble: Small Group I1
MUS136Ensemble: Small Groups II1
MUS141Performance Workshop I1
MUS142Performance Workshop II1
MUS151Ensemble: Chorus I1
MUS152Ensemble: Chorus II1
MUS154Community Chorus I3
MUS155Community Chorus II3
MUS161Ensemble: Jazz/Rock I1
MUS162Ensemble: Jazz/Rock II1
MUS172Class Voice3
MUS173Applied Music: Brass I1
MUS174Applied Music: Brass II1
MUS175Applied Music: Guitar I1
MUS176Applied Music: Guitar II1
MUS177Applied Music: Percussion I1
MUS178Applied Music: Percussion II1
MUS179Applied Music: Piano I1
MUS180Applied Music: Piano II1
MUS181Applied Music: Strings I1
MUS182Applied Music: Strings II1
MUS183Applied Music: Voice I1
MUS184Applied Music: Voice II1
MUS185Applied Music: Woodwinds I1
MUS186Applied Music: Woodwinds II1
MUS187Ensemble: Chamber Choir I1
MUS188Ensemble: Chamber Choir II1
MUS217Aural Skills III1
MUS218Aural Skills IV1
MUS223Music Theory III3
MUS224Music Theory IV3
MUS236Ensemble: Small Groups III1
MUS237Ensemble: Small Groups IV1
MUS243Performance Workshop III1
MUS244Performance Workshop IV1
MUS251Ensemble: Chorus III1
MUS252Ensemble: Chorus IV1
MUS261Ensemble: Jazz/Rock III1
MUS262Ensemble: Jazz/Rock IV1
MUS273Applied Music: Brass III1
MUS274Applied Music: Brass IV1
MUS275Applied Music: Guitar III1
MUS276Applied Music: Guitar IV1
MUS277Applied Music: Percussion III1
MUS278Applied Music: Percussion IV1
MUS279Applied Music: Piano III1
MUS280Applied Music: Piano IV1
MUS281Applied Music: Strings III1
MUS282Applied Music: Strings IV1
MUS283Applied Music: Voice III1
MUS284Applied Music: Voice IV1
PHI101Introduction to Philosophy3
PHI102Issues in Philosophy3
PHI121Practical Logic3
PHI204Philosophy through Film3
PHI208Philosophy of Happiness3
PHS111College Physics I4
PHS112College Physics II4
PHS131Engineering Physics I4
PHS132Engineering Physics II4
PSY101Introduction to Psychology3
PSY105Organizational Behavior3
PSY110Lifespan Psychology3
PSY199Psychology Internship3
PSY200Basic Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences3
PSY201Developmental Psychology I: Childhood & Adolescence3
PSY202Developmental Psychology II: Adulthood & Aging3
PSY203Child Psychology3
PSY204Adolescent Psychology3
PSY205Psychology of Personality3
PSY206Social Psychology3
PSY207Abnormal Psychology3
REL101World Religions3
SCI100Basic Lab Calculations1
SCI105Laboratory Methods4
SCI107Principles of cGMP and Quality Control in the Biosciences3
SCI110Global Discoveries in Science4
SCI111Physical Science I4
SCI112Physical Science II4
SCI130Forensic Science4
SCI200Research Topics in Science3
SCI230Advanced Forensic Science4
SCI281Research Experience Laboratory5
SCI291Externship in Laboratory Sciences I3
SCI292Externship in Laboratory Sciences II6
SOC101Introduction to Sociology3
SOC104Introduction to Criminology3
SOC107Contemporary Social Problems3
SOC204Race & Ethnic Relations3
SOC208Sex and Gender in a Global World3
SPN105Spanish for Medical Professionals I3
SPN110Spanish for Law Enforcement3
SPN111Elementary Spanish Language and Culture I3
SPN112Introductory Spanish 23
SPN201Intermediate Spanish 13
SPN202Intermediate Spanish 23
SPN220Spanish for Heritage Learners3
THE101Introduction to Theater3
THE110The Improvisation Voice and Movement3
THE111Acting: Theory and Practice3
THE112Acting: Scene Study3
THE115Rehearsal & Performance3
THE116Children's Theater3
THE117Summer Theater3