
Students are expected to be present and on time for all scheduled classes. Attendance policies for each course are included in the syllabus. In case of inclement weather, students are responsible for making their own decisions about road safety. The student will be held responsible for all academic requirements regardless of class attendance. Students enrolled in courses with mandated attendance requirements, such as BLET, must follow the requirements as set forth by the State Board of Community Colleges Code. MCC Faculty record student attendance in LEO.

Excused Absence for Military Service

MCC shall give an excused absence to any student who is in the United States Armed Forces who has received temporary or permanent re-assignment as a result of military operations and to any student who is a National Guard service member placed onto State active duty status during an academic term for the period of time the student is on active duty.  

(a) The College shall provide the student the opportunity to make up any test or other work missed during the excused absence.

(b) The College shall give the student the option, when feasible, to continue classes and coursework during the academic term through online participation for the period of time the student is placed on active duty.

(c) The College shall give the student the option of receiving a temporary grade of "incomplete (I)" for any course that the student was unable to complete as a result of being placed on State active duty status; however, the student must complete the course requirements within the period of time specified by the College to avoid receiving a failing grade for the course.

(d) The College shall permit the student to drop, with no penalty, any course that the student was unable to complete as a result of being placed on State active duty status. 

(e) The College shall permit the student to drop, with no financial penalty, any course that the student was unable to complete as a result of the excused absence as set forth in 1E SBCCC 900.4.