Concurrent Enrollment

Undergraduate Concurrent Enrollment

Texas Wesleyan University students who wish to enroll at another institution (concurrent enrollment) must have the written approval of the dean of their school and registrar before enrolling at another institution. When students request approval for concurrent enrollment, they must make certain to meet the required 45 hours in residency and any other residency requirements at Texas Wesleyan University. They must also make certain the selected course(s) will be accepted as transfer credit at Texas Wesleyan University. Permission forms for concurrent enrollment must be presented to the Office of Student Records for confirmation that the requested course(s) fulfills graduation requirements.

Graduate Concurrent Enrollment

Graduate students who wish to enroll at another institution (concurrent enrollment) must gain written approval from the program director and dean from their graduate program. An approved concurrent enrollment form and substitution waiver form must be submitted to the Office of Student Records for confirmation that the requested course(s) fulfills program and graduation requirements. Graduate students should consult their graduate program to determine the total number of transfer credits allowed and to ensure they meet the required residency hours for their graduate program.