2020-21 Student Handbook and Wellness Guide


Diphtheria and Tetanus: Routine immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough) in childhood has been common practice in the United States for the past 30 years. If you didn't get your "baby shots," primary immunization can be done as an adult in a series of three shots. It is recommended that all persons who have had primary immunization receive booster doses every 10 years. Under certain conditions, such as treatment of a puncture wound or an unclean wound, more frequent injections may be indicated.
Measles (Rubeola) Vaccine: Measles is often a severe disease. It is frequently complicated by secondary infections. Measles vaccines were introduced in the early 1960's, but some of them were ineffective and were withdrawn from the market in 1967. If you were vaccinated in 1968 or later, you received the "live further attenuated" vaccine (live further attenuated means the vaccine contains a live but weakened virus that won't produce the clinical disease but will produce immunity). Persons who received any other kind of vaccine should be revaccinated, unless they know they had the measles. There have been recent outbreaks of rubeola on college campuses across the U.S. If in doubt about your vaccination record, check with your doctor.
Rubella (German Measles) Vaccine: Rubella is a common childhood rash disease, and childhood cases are often overlooked or misdiagnosed because signs and symptoms vary. The most common features of rubella include enlarged lymph nodes, joint pain, and a transient rash usually with low fever. Rubella vaccine has been available since 1969, and it is recommended that everyone receives a vaccination, not so much to prevent the benign illness as to provide protection for women of childbearing age. If a woman becomes infected during the first three months of pregnancy, there is a risk of serious birth defects. It is recommended that you check your vaccination record; and if in doubt, we recommend a blood test for rubella antibodies. If the blood test indicates that antibodies are not present, you are susceptible to rubella and immunization will be offered after contraception counseling. With rubella, as with other live‐virus vaccines, there is a theoretical risk to the fetus if a woman is vaccinated during pregnancy.
Mumps Vaccine: Live‐virus mumps vaccine was first introduced in 1967. The vaccine produces a subclinical (mild or no symptoms) non-communicable (not “catching”) infection with very few side effects. On the other hand, mumps itself can be serious in adults, so it is important to have immunity. Mumps virus vaccine is available to anyone without history of the disease or of effective vaccination.
Polio/Triv Series: In severe cases, polio can be a serious disease resulting in permanent paralysis or even death. It is most likely to affect children from 6-16 but may occur in extremely serious form in adults. Polio can be prevented by three doses plus two boosters of oral vaccine. Immunity is permanent.
Hepatitis B Vaccine: Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B virus can be transmitted by contact with body fluids including blood (including contaminated needles, semen, tears, saliva, urine, breast milk, and vaginal secretions. Health workers are at high risk of acquiring Hepatitis B because of frequent contact with blood or body fluids and, therefore, vaccine is recommended to prevent the illness. “Recombivax HB” (Hepatitis B vaccine {Recombinant}) is noninfectious Recombinant DNA Hepatitis B vaccine. Clinical studies have shown that after three doses 96% of healthy adults have been seroprotected. Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine are needed to confer protection and are generally administered at 0, 1, and 6 months.