Idaho State University Dual Degree Program in Communication Sciences and Disorders (BA/BS)

The College of Idaho dual degree program in communication sciences and disorders is a collaborative effort with Idaho State University (ISU). Under ordinary circumstances, students will attend The College of Idaho for three years, and then enter Idaho State University's Audiology or Speech-Language Pathology program for the subsequent two years. When students have successfully completed the ISU program, they will receive a Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders, with an emphasis in either Pre-Audiology or Pre-Speech-Language Pathology, from Idaho State University, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree from The College of Idaho.

Entrance into the Idaho State University program is competitive. Idaho State University has offered up to three admission seats to College of Idaho students each year, but it is possible that more than three College of Idaho students will apply. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all prerequisite courses.

During their coursework at The College of Idaho, students will be required to complete 93 credits, including the following prerequisite courses for the ISU Communication Sciences and Disorders program. The ISU professional program along with the prerequisite courses will count for the Professional Foundations and Enhancements minor. Please note that ISU only accepts a maximum of 8 credits in religion; therefore, the Religious Studies minor is not a viable option to fulfill the Humanities & Fine Arts PEAK.

Prerequisite Requirements

To be Completed at The College of Idaho

BIO-224Human Anatomy and Physiology I

3 credits

BIO-224LHuman Anatomy and Physiology I Lab

1 credit

A Physical Science Course in CHE or PHY

3-4 credits


MAT-125Data Analysis and Statistics

3 credits


MAT-212Multiple Regression Analysis

3 credits


PSY-100General Psychology

3 credits

PSY-201Developmental Psychology

3 credits

Complete one course to fulfill the Cultural Diversity requirement.
ATH-202Cultural Diversity

3 credits

ATH-308Gender in Cross Cultural Perspective

3 credits

HIS-210History of Modern East Asia

3 credits

HIS-230History of Modern Latin America

3 credits

SOC-349Social Stratification

3 credits

SOC-405Power and Identity

3 credits