This program is approved by the Delaware Department of Education.
REVISED - THIS IS A DELAWARE LICENSURE/CERTIFICATION PROGRAM WITH CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS. Students taking courses to satisfy certification requirements are personally responsible for verifying with the Delaware Department of Education (or the appropriate licensure/certification authority in another state) that such course work is applicable and acceptable. Students are also responsible for meeting all state-mandated testing requirements and for applying for credentials. Wilmington University has not made determinations for licensure in states outside of Delaware. For state-by-state contact information for inquiring about individual state licensure requirements, please visit NC-SARA's Professional Licensure Directory.
Teacher candidates are expected to complete all requirements associated with the Bachelor of Science degree with a concentration in Career and Technical Education, including all course work and the capstone course. The College of Education and Liberal Arts sets a required minimum grade of “C-” for all Education core courses (ECE, EDU, RDG, and EPY), and an overall cumulative GPA (grade point average) of 3.0.
The purpose of the Bachelor of Science in Career and Technical Education is to provide opportunities for candidates to earn a bachelor’s degree and/or certification as a Skilled and Technical Sciences teacher. In addition to the necessary coursework, a candidate must also satisfactorily document full-time work experience/training in his or her particular career area in order to be considered for Delaware Skilled and Technical Sciences certification. The courses in the program will provide career and technical teachers with the necessary skills to be successful in the classroom.
In addition to general admissions requirements, admission to this degree program requires applicants to have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or have a GPA in the top 50th percentile for coursework completed during the most recent two years of the applicant’s general education, whether secondary or post-secondary.
Admission to the program requires the following:
1. Complete and submit the Application for Admission, accompanied by a non-refundable application fee.
2. Submit an official high school transcript. With official transcripts, submit a copy of your Immunization Records.
3. Applicants are also asked to provide official and complete score reports from the Praxis Core exam and/or test results from the SAT or ACT demonstrating mastery of general knowledge, including the ability to read, write and compute. This is to provide the College of Education and Liberal Arts with data that can satisfy national program accreditation requirements.
NOTE: These test scores will NOT affect admissions decisions, but are used to comply with program approval and accreditation standards.
It is important that candidates must identify Wilmington University as an official score recipient. This enables scores to be sent directly, confidentially, and electronically. Otherwise, candidates must provide original copies of all official score reports. For more information about ETS exams (including how to register), go to Visit College Board to have SAT or ACT scores sent to Wilmington University.
4. Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor to discuss program requirements and expectations.
After completing all of the above, register for EDU 102 (E-Folio). EDU 102 is a prerequisite for all other courses in the program.
Content and Performance Assessment Requirements
Performance Assessment
This degree program contributes to eligibility for licensure/certification as an educator in Delaware public schools. As such, all candidates must meet the performance assessment requirement set by Delaware’s Professional Standards Board.
The performance assessment may not be scored by any employees of the Educator Preparation Program. It is scored by Nationally Certified ETS Reviewers not associated with Wilmington University. The assessment used by Wilmington University to satisfy this requirement is the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT).
This assessment will be completed during the Capstone Course for those candidates who participate in student teaching. Candidates who perform the Action/Research option are not required to complete the PPAT for purposes of the degree program.
Candidates must check with their program chair to obtain current and accurate information related to the assessment and minimum scores that are required.
Capstone Requirement
Option I (Candidates currently employed as teachers)
The candidate will perform an individualized action research project. Candidates will apply knowledge and skills related to appropriate assessment strategies to equitably and effectively assess student learning. Candidates will use data-driven decision making that align with both curricular goals and student instructional needs, and use data to reflect on the effectiveness and quality of their own teaching. Candidates will use data to help solve instructional problems such as closing the learning/achievement gaps that are indigenous to most classrooms.
Candidates must meet Delaware minimum passing scores on the state-approved performance assessment (PPAT) in order to be eligible for Initial Licensure and Certification as a Delaware teacher. The PPAT is a nationally-normed and scored assessment of a teacher candidate’s ability to apply pedagogical content knowledge and skills. It is designed to develop more effective teachers in the classroom, identify strengths and areas for improvement of practice, allow candidates to continually refine their teaching practices, and to contribute to a development plan for professional growth.
Option II (Student Teaching/Internship)
The candidate will engage in a clinical experience of at least 10 weeks (45 school days and 5 days of Professional Development approved by the Program Chair) co-supervised by a college mentor provided by the Office of Clinical Studies and a school-based mentor provided by the placement school (fully certified teacher, department chair, content area supervisor, or administrator). During this clinical experience, the candidate will prepare lesson/activity/unit plans, carry out those plans, assess levels of student learning using approved College of Education and Liberal Arts (or school-mandated) formats and processes, and reflect on outcomes. The candidate will be observed at least six times during the placement using the DPAS II model or the observation/evaluation system required by the school. The same e-folio student teaching components required for other College of Education and Liberal Arts teacher preparation programs are also required for this option (reflections on and evidence of achievement of Delaware’s teaching standards, etc.).
Candidates are required to take the PPAT. The PPAT is a nationally-normed and scored assessment of a teacher candidate’s ability to apply pedagogical content knowledge and skills during student teaching. It is designed to develop more effective teachers in the classroom, identify strengths and areas for improvement of practice, allow candidates to continually refine their teaching practices, and to contribute to a development plan for professional growth.
Program of Study
The courses available in the Bachelor of Science program in Career and Technical Education combine rich and varied course offerings that include core courses and education courses for education majors as well as specific education courses tailored to career and technical program teachers. The College of Education and Liberal Arts at Wilmington University reserves the right to modify requirements to comply with any licensure/certification changes mandated by the Delaware State Department of Education. The program must be completed within six years. The College of Education and Liberal Arts sets the grade of “C” as the lowest grade that is acceptable in any required teacher preparation course.
Program Competencies
The Bachelor of Science degree programs in the College of Education and Liberal Arts are designed to prepare educators who demonstrate the following competencies:
Learner Development
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
Learning Differences
The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
Learning Environments
The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self- motivation.
Content Knowledge
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.
Application of Content
The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.
Planning for Instruction
The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
Instructional Strategies
The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
Leadership and Collaboration
The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
General Education Requirements (42 credits)
EDU 102 | E-Folio | 0 |
CTA 206 | Computer Applications | 3 |
| | |
CTA 210 | Intro to Technology | 3 |
| OR | |
FYE 101 | First Year Experience Seminar | 3 |
| AND | |
ENG 121 | English Composition I | 3 |
ENG 122 | English Composition II | 3 |
ENG 320 | Advanced Composition | 3 |
| OR | |
| Course in technical writing | |
MAT 201 | Mathematics for Teachers I | 3 |
MAT 202 | Mathematics for Teachers II | 3 |
HUM 360 | Human World Views: 3500 BCE – 1650 CE | 3 |
HUM 361 | Human World Views: 1650 CE - present | 3 |
| Natural Science Elective | 3 or 4 credits |
PHI 100 | Introduction to Critical Thinking | 3 |
PSY 101 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
| History Elective | 3 |
| | |
| Political Science Elective | 3 |
| AND | |
BBM 201 | Principles of Management | 3 |
| OR | |
BBM 319 | Business Ethics | 3 |
| | |
DSN 110 | Fundamentals of Drawing | 3 |
| OR | |
ECO 105 | Fundamentals of Economics | 3 |
| | |
ENG 360 | Creative Writing | 3 |
| OR | |
ENG 310 | Research Writing | 3 |
| AND | |
| Fine Arts Elective | 3 |
| | |
| Foreign Language Elective | 3 |
| OR | |
| Literature Elective | 3 |
| OR | |
| Music Elective | 3 |
| | |
| Philosophy Elective | 3 |
| OR | |
| Citizenship Elective | |
FYE 101: required for students entering with less than 16 credits.
Education Electives (12 credits)
Education Core (48 credits)
Candidate should verify through the Department of Education which Education Core courses are required for them to receive an Initial Delaware Teacher Certification.
Capstone Project (6 credits)
EDC 420 | Capstone Project for Career and Technical Education | 6 |
Free Electives (12 credits)
Electives that may be approved by Program Coordinator:
- NOCTI Competency Exam in specific career area up to 18 credits
- Appropriate trade school courses up to 18 credits
- Appropriate manufacturers’ service school courses up to 12 credits
- DOE approved apprenticeship, military, or trade school/extension
- DOE approved industry certification (ASE)
- National Center for Construction Education and Research Instructor Certification Course
- DOE approved instructor’s certification course(s)
- DOE approved test-based Professional Municipal License
- DOE approved test-based Professional Municipal License Preparation Course
- Post-secondary courses in the occupational area to be taught