Applied Technology, Bachelor of Science


For the working adults who have some college, military, and/or work experience, the Bachelor of Science degree program in Applied Technology is a unique degree program designed to meet their educational and career needs. The goal of the Applied Technology program is to recognize student prior learning and experience, and build upon that learning through a general education foundation along with technology course requirements for careers in business and technology. Accordingly, it not only incorporates the detailed skills and knowledge needed to work in the present-day technology environment, but also stresses fundamental concepts in multiple pathways to embrace changes in technology throughout the workforce. Included in the curriculum are courses that examine information assurance, process management, information systems, multimedia production, software applications, language, design, and internship/co-op opportunities.


The Bachelor of Science in Applied Technology (BAT) program is a flexible STEM baccalaureate degree offering a broad technology base, designed for students who want to develop through selected technology pathways and/or in combination with multiple disciplines. This degree provides students with foundation skills in technology including exposure to information assurance, process management, information systems, multimedia production, software applications, technology language, design, and maker. Students in the Applied Technology degree will learn foundation skills in technology with flexibility to customize additional course requirements based on pathways of individual interests and career needs. This provides students with technical skills in combination with the broad education necessary to compete for jobs in today's knowledge economy.

Course selection

The course selection for this program will be approved by the faculty Program Chair after the student completes an interview with an Academic Advisor or COEL Specialist.

Program Competencies

Students completing the Applied Technology Program (B.S.) will be able to:

  • Apply workplace technology tools to develop and present communications that are coherent, unified, and focused;
  • Analyze applications of emerging technologies for problem solving in chosen technical area;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how integrating technology increases effectiveness in the workplace, by employing critical thinking strategies to analyze outcomes and determine logical solutions;
  • Describe and apply the ethical principles required of a technology professional;
  • Research, construct and deliver professional presentations while appraising the needs of the audience;
  • Research, evaluate, and ethically utilize information; and
  • Write with clarity and precision using correct English grammar: mechanics and usage.  Correctly and ethically exhibit competence in writing for specific purposes diverse audience, and genres.

Minimum Grade Policy

The Applied Technology program has set a minimum passing grade of “C-” for program core courses and required technology electives. Students receiving a grade lower than “C-” in any required core or technology elective course must retake that course.

Accelerated Option with Graduate Certificate

Students in the Applied Technology B.S. degree program may choose an accelerated option with:

  • Management Information Systems Graduate Certificate; or
  • Technology Project Management Graduate Certificate

Students selecting this option can complete both their undergraduate degree and the graduate certificate by completing 120 credits (105 undergraduate credits and 15 graduate credits).  The five graduate courses (15 credits) needed for the graduate certificate would count as five courses (15 credits) towards undergraduate electives in your degree.

Students who complete the Management Information Systems or Technology Project Management Graduate Certificates also receive the benefit of completing five graduate level courses that count towards a Master’s degree in Information Systems Technologies (MS-IST).  Students selecting this option are not required to pursue the MS-IST degree. 

Admission requirements include:

  1. A minimum GPA of 3.25
  2. Completion of at least 60 credits towards your degree program
  3. A meeting with an academic advisor to submit an Accelerated Option Intent (AOI) form upon completion of at least 30 credits; and
  4. Recommendation of the Program Chair

Note:  Students will not be eligible to register for graduate level courses until they have successfully completed at least 60 credits towards their bachelor’s degree and have an approved AOI form.  Students must receive their B.S. degree in order to receive the graduate certificate.

Minimum Grade Policy: Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their graduate courses in order to earn the certificate.

The APL410 capstone course will be completed after the certificate has been completed.  

Applied Technology B.S. Curriculum

General Education Requirements (39 credits)

CTA 206Computer Applications



CTA 210Computer Science


ECO 105Fundamentals of Economics


ENG 121English Composition I


ENG 122English Composition II


ENG 131Public Speaking


ENG 310Research Writing


MAT 205Introductory Survey of Mathematics


PHI 100Introduction to Critical Thinking


PHI 314Ethics for Computer Professionals


Natural Science Elective- SCI 308 excluded

Citizenship Elective

Choose one course (3 credits) from:

POL 300 or HIS/HUM 381

Humanities Elective

Choose one course (3 credits) from:

ART, BBM 319, COM 245, CUL, DRA, DSN 110, ENG 360, ENG 310, ETN, HIS 230, HUM, LIT, MUS, PHI, REL, SPA, TEC 215, VFP 313

Social Science Elective

Choose one course (3 credits) from: 


Applied Technology Core (24 credits)

Course selections must be approved by an Academic Advisor.

APL 310Applied Technology Capstone Planning


APL 410Applied Technology Capstone


MIS 320Management Information Systems


SEC 210Principles and Practice of Information Security


Art in Technology Elective

Choose one course from the following:

DSN 121Basic InDesign


DSN 235Vector Drawing


TEC 215Basic Photography


VFP 100Camera and Cinematography


VFX 110Digital Filmmaking for Visual Effects


Intermediate Software Applications Elective

Choose one course from the following:

CTA 315Effective Presentations through Technology


CTA 326Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving


Language in Technology Elective

Choose one course from the following:

CSC 100Web Design & Development


CSC 345Database Foundations


GMD 110Intro to Game Programming


SEC 290Introduction to Programming with Python


Process in Technology Elective

Choose one course from the following:

GMD 105Video and Audio for Game Design


ISM 300Business Process Management


ISM 450Project Management and Practice


The Applied Technology program has set a minimum passing grade of “C-” for program core courses and required technology electives. Students receiving a grade lower than “C-” in any required core or technology elective course must retake that course.

College of Technology Electives (15 credits)

Choose five courses* from the following:  

ANI, CSC, CTA, DSN, GMD, ISM, SEC, TEC, UAV, VFP, VFX, and HIT (for BAT majors only)

*Three of the courses must be upper level (300-400). Course selection must be approved by an Academic Advisor.

Certificate or Minor (15 credits)

Course required must be applicable toward a specific certificate or minor.**

**Certificate or minors may require prerequisites and/or require more than 15 credits.  Course selection must be approved by an Academic Advisor.

Free Electives (27 credits)

Students with less than 16 transfer credits are required to take FYE 101 as one of their electives.

Accelerated Option with Management Information Systems Graduate Certificate

The certificate requires 15 graduate credits. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their graduate courses in order to earn the certificate.

IST 7000Data Management


IST 7020Analysis, Modeling, and Design


IST 7040Data Communications and Networking


IST 7060Project and Change Management


IST 7100IT Policy and Strategy


Accelerated Option with Technology Project Mgt Graduate Certificate

The certificate requires 15 graduate credits.  Students will complete IST 7060 and four of the six IPM courses listed. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in their graduate courses in order to earn the certificate.

IST 7060Project and Change Management


Choose four (4) of the following:

IPM 6000IT/IS Project Scope Development and Management


IPM 6010IT/IS Project Scheduling


IPM 6030IT/IS Project Risk Management


IPM 6040IT/IS Project Quality Management


IPM 6050Agile Project Management


IPM 6090Special Topics in IT/IS Project Management


CAP (Community & Academic Partnerships)/Co-op Program

In order to provide relevant work experience, students in the Applied Technology degree program have the option of completing up to 15 credit hours via a co-op assignment. The co-op option for Applied Technology is the equivalent of at least two semester courses, for a total of six credit hours. Students can complete their Applied Technology degree with 120 credit hours, whether they choose the co-op option or not. Because each co-op experience is individually designed, students must inform the Director of the CAP/Co-op program and the Applied Technology Program Chair one semester before they would like to begin a co-op assignment.

In order to be eligible, students must first have completed two core courses in residence and at least 60 credits, plus a GPA of 2.5 or higher. For additional information on the CAP/Co-op program option, please see the website:

Completion Degree Requirements

What is a Completion Degree?

A completion degree is a personalized version of a bachelor's degree created exclusively for students who have completed an associate degree at an accredited institution. Completion degrees are available for most Wilmington University Bachelor of Science degrees. A student who expects to transfer a completed associate's degree should communicate with a Wilmington University academic advisor before registering for courses. A transcript with documentation of the conferred degree must be received by Wilmington University to confirm eligibility.

Note that a minimum of 120 combined credits are needed to satisfy the Completion Degree requirements, including both transfer credits and credits earned at Wilmington University.

Applied Technology Completion Degree

APL 310Applied Technology Capstone Planning


APL 410Applied Technology Capstone


ENG 310Research Writing



CTA 315Effective Presentations through Technology



CTA 326Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving



ISM 300Business Process Management



ISM 450Project Management and Practice



MIS 320Management Information Systems


PHI 314Ethics for Computer Professionals


Certificate or Minor (15 credits)

Course required must be applicable toward a specific certificate or minor.**

**Certificate or minors may require prerequisites and/or require more than 15 credits.  Course selection must be approved by an Academic Advisor.

College of Technology Electives (9 credits)

Choose three upper level (300-400) courses from the following prefixes:  

CSC, CTA, DSN, GMD, ISM, SEC, TEC, VFP, VFX, and HIT (for BAT majors only)

*Course selection must be approved by an Academic Advisor.

The following courses or their equivalents are pre-requisites for a degree in Applied Technology:

CTA 206 Computer Applications or CTA 210 Computer Science

ENG 122 English Composition II

MAT 205 Survey of Mathematics

SEC210 Principles and Practices of Information Security

Design or Methods of Technology Elective (VFP 100, VFX 110, DSN 121, DSN 235, or TEC 215)

Programming, Scripting, Web Design Elective (CSC 100, CSC 345, GMD 110, SDD 100, SDD 210, SEC 290)

The Applied Technology program has set a minimum passing grade of “C-” for program core courses and required technology electives. Students receiving a grade lower than “C-” in any required core or technology elective course must retake that course.