MEC 8015 Mental Health Seminar

Unmet mental health needs can be a significant obstacle to student academic, career and social/emotional development and even compromise school safety. Schools are often one of the first places where mental health crises and needs of students are recognized and initially addressed (Froeschle & Meyers, 2004). Most students in need do not receive adequate mental health supports (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2013). Research indicates 20 percent of students are in need of mental health services, yet only one out of five of these students receive the necessary services (Kaffenberger & Seligman, 2007). Furthermore, students of color and those from families with low income are at greater risk for mental health need

Candidates in this course will gain knowledge and understanding of prevalent mental health issues in order to recognize and respond to the need for mental health and behavioral prevention, early intervention and crisis services that promote psychosocial wellness and development for all students. As a result of taking this course, candidates will be able to address barriers and assess ways to maximize success in the k-12 school environment. Candidates will impact communities and their family structure through education, prevention, and crisis and short-term intervention until the k-12 student is connected with available community resources.




MED 6102, MEC 6511, MEC 6400, MEC 6402, MEC 6607, MEC 7213, MEC 7502, MEC 7503, MEC 7701, MEC 7500, MEC 7501, MEC 7202, passing scores on Praxis II (#5421), all clearances and at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.