College of Education

About the College of Education

The College of Education at Wilmington University is a leading preparer of educators for schools in Delaware and the region. The College attracts substantial numbers of students who are preparing to pursue careers as educators in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

Programs in the College of Education range from an associate’s degree in Early Care and Education to doctoral degrees with concentrations in higher education leadership, organizational leadership, and school district leadership. In addition to teacher preparation degrees in early childhood education, elementary and middle school teaching, special education, and secondary teaching, the College offers degrees and courses of study in a variety of specialized educational areas such as school counseling, school leadership, educational technology, career and technical education, instruction, gifted and talented education, reading, and teaching English to speakers of other languages. At any given time there are about 1,000 Wilmington University students doing supervised fieldwork in schools throughout Delaware and the region.


We believe that effective professional educators must also be learners who want to share challenging ideas and successful practices with their colleagues. Educators prepared at Wilmington University believe in the importance of hard work and persistence, and in reflecting on and improving the quality of that work. They are committed to collaborating with parents, colleagues, and community stakeholders. They want to create teaching/learning environments that encourage exploration and innovation, that enhance personal, physical and emotional development, and that stimulate intellectual growth and high levels of student achievement. We try to maintain a climate of high expectations, caring, and respect for the worth of every individual. We view ourselves as “Professional Partners, Creating Environments for Learning.”


The College of Education at Wilmington University prepares educators to work successfully with children from birth through adolescence, and to work closely and effectively with all education stakeholders. Our programs prepare candidates to work effectively with students with a wide variety of learning needs and diverse cultural, socioeconomic and linguistic backgrounds. An important goal of our programs is the translation of theory into practice. All programs are standards-driven. All programs emphasize the importance of data-based decision making, practical experiences in classrooms and schools, content knowledge, knowing and understanding learner needs, and the application of research-based best practices.

Conceptual framework

The College of Education Conceptual Framework reflects the vision and mission of the University and articulates the College’s philosophy and goals. The Conceptual Framework is the fundamental theoretical architecture upon which all degree programs are based. The framework includes eight specific Program Attributes essential for the preparation of effective educators. These attributes appear on every course syllabus.

The complete Conceptual Framework can be found on the Wilmington University website, at


Wilmington University is a private, non-profit institution that is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The College of Education is nationally accredited through 2020 by NCATE (National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education). In addition, all licensure-linked teacher preparation degree programs are nationally recognized by relevant Specialized Professional Associations. College of Education degree programs contributing to eligibility for state licensure/certification are also approved by the Delaware Department of Education.

Because our programs are state-approved, the College of Education must sometimes modify degree requirements to comply with licensure/certification or regulatory changes mandated by the Delaware Professional Standards Board, the Delaware State Department of Education, or the Delaware State Legislature. 

Background checks

A Criminal Background Check (CBC) is required for all field placements associated with College of Education degrees (e.g., practical, course-related fieldwork, student teaching, internships, residencies, etc.). This includes a background check by the FBI and the Delaware State Police, and clearance through the Delaware Child Protection Registry (DCPR). This process must be completed PRIOR to submitting applications for placements. No applications for clinical placements can be considered until all CBC and DCPR reports have been received. Details about this process are explained at

General knowledge admission requirements for undergraduate educator preparation programs

In addition to satisfying general requirements for admission to Wilmington University, applicants for admission to educator preparation programs approved for state licensure and/or certification are required by state law to demonstrate mastery of general knowledge, including the ability to read, write, and compute, by achieving a score deemed to be college-ready on a test of general knowledge normed to the college-bound population.

This program-entry requirement can be met by providing an official score report showing scores (including all sub-scores) on the ETS Praxis Series Core Academic Skills for Educators (ETS # 5712, 5722, and 5732) or on other approved tests of general knowledge that satisfy Delaware Department of Education regulations. For complete information about Delaware tests and score requirements for educators, go to this website:

Test codes and minimum score requirements for the ETS Core Series are:

Test Score
ETS 5712 Reading 156
ETS 5722 Writing 162
ETS 5732 Mathematics 150

For more information about the ETS exams required by Delaware (including how to register), go to:

This requirement became effective July 1, 2014 and applies to the following undergraduate degree programs:

Bachelor of Science in Career and Technical Education

Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2)

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (K-6)

Bachelor of Science in Middle Level Education (Grades 6-8, All Concentrations)

Content and performance assessment requirements for undergraduate educator preparation programs

Content Assessment

Effective January 1, 2015, candidates for all undergraduate College of Education degrees except the A.S. in Early Childhood Education and the B.S. in Education Studies must meet the content assessment requirements adopted by the Delaware Department of Education and described in DE Administrative Code, Title 14, Regulation 290, in order to be eligible to enroll in student teaching. That regulation states, in part:

“Where a content readiness exam is applicable and available in area, subject, or category of specialization sought, the Candidate shall achieve a passing score on an examination as established by the Professional Standards Board, in consultation with the Department and with concurrence of the State Board.”

Candidates must check with Program Chairs or Academic Advisors as to the ETS Praxis II content assessments that are prerequisites for student teaching.  These assessments differ depending on the areas and levels of teacher certifications that are desired.

Performance Assessment

Effective July 1, 2016, candidates for all undergraduate College of Education degrees except the A.S. in Early Childhood Education and the B.S. in Education Studies must meet the performance assessment requirements adopted by the Delaware Department of Education and described in DE Administrative Code, Title 14, Regulation 290, in order to be eligible for graduation. The regulation states, in part:

“Where a performance assessment is applicable and available in an area appropriate to the program in which a candidate is enrolled, the candidate shall achieve a passing score as a requirement to exit the Program. The performance assessment may not be scored by any employees of the educator preparation program or unit, and shall be scored by certified reviewers.”

The required performance assessment for College of Education teacher preparation programs is the PPAT (Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers), which is administered and scored by ETS.  The minimum PPAT passing score for degree conferral and Delaware licensure is 38. Candidates must pass the state-approved performance assessment (PPAT) in order to be eligible for Initial Licensure and Certification as a Delaware teacher.

Beginning with the Fall Semester 2016, candidates for undergraduate teacher preparation degrees must register for EDU 452 Performance Assessment during the student teaching semester. Successful completion of the PPAT will generate a passing grade (S) for EDU 452 and this will also generate three (3) undergraduate credits.  There is a fee for EDU 452 that covers the cost of the assessment, but there are no additional tuition costs.  

NOTE: The PPAT can be retaken only one time.