EDU 499 Clinical Assessment in the Classroom

This course provides candidates with essential knowledge and skills related to appropriate assessment strategies and helps candidates understand how to equitably and effectively assess student learning. Candidates learn how to make data-driven decisions that align with both curricular goals and student instructional needs, and to use data to reflect on the effectiveness and quality of their own teaching. Candidates learn how to use data to help solve instructional problems such as closing the learning/achievement gaps that are indigenous to most classrooms. The course aligns with the requirements of Task 2 in PPAT and with elements of PPAT Tasks 3 and 4, which will help the candidate be prepared to meet data collection and analysis expectations that will be encountered during student teaching. As this is a hybrid, semester-long course, candidates must have satisfied the required DIS 095 tutorial. For candidates student teaching in fall 2016 or later, this course must be taken concurrently with Practicum III during spring 2016.
