Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science


The purpose of the Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice is to prepare students to enter or advance in jobs within the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, corrections, and the courts. Upon completion of the undergraduate program, some students may also consider graduate study in law or criminology (sociology). A certificate program in criminal justice is also available.

Program of Study

The Criminal Justice program is dedicated to providing the theoretical, practical, and professional knowledge needed in today’s environment to be successful in the fields of law enforcement, corrections, courts, probation, parole, private security, and the related service careers. Emphasis is placed upon preparing students to enter the professional workplace, grow in their current position, or continue studies in graduate school. The curriculum is designed to provide students with expert instruction on the most current trends, policies, and practices in the field. The goal is to prepare students to become scholarly practitioners in their chosen profession. Further, the General Education Requirements courses, required of all Wilmington University undergraduates, provide a well-rounded academic foundation.

This is not a “one size fits all” major, but one that provides variety in the course selection to encourage each individual student to build a personal program for the future with the assistance of an Academic Advisor.

Students have “out of class” opportunities through membership in the Criminal Justice Association to experience site visits to a variety of criminal justice agencies and meet with practitioners in the field. Internships provide students with an insider’s view of the many facets of the criminal justice field under the guidance of a full-time faculty member. The major also offers a summer study abroad program that awards credit for the opportunity to study criminal justice systems of other countries. The program is offered statewide, with day and evening classes in New Castle, and evening classes in Dover and Georgetown, Delaware, and in New Jersey at the Burlington County College and Cumberland County College locations.

Program Competencies

  1. Exercise critical thinking strategies, including reasoning, problem solving, analysis, and evaluation in criminal justice settings.
  2. Exhibit flexible thinking and goal-directed behaviors in criminal justice course projects.
  3. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills.
  4. Demonstrate skill in the use and the application of technology in criminal justice settings.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of basic mathematics and statistics by applying criminal justice research findings to criminal justice practice.
  6. Incorporate theoretical perspectives into criminal justice practice.
  7. Demonstrate an awareness of ethical principles, codes, and standards within the criminal justice field and integrate ethical, legal, and economic accountability into professional criminal justice practice.
  8. Demonstrate a commitment to self-directedness, self-discipline, and lifelong learning through examinations of criminal justice career paths.
  9. Recognize the principles associated with a pluralistic society in a variety of criminal justice settings as they uniquely apply to practitioners, victims, and offenders and show respect for our multicultural world.
  10. Recognize an awareness of self in relationship to others in team efforts that demonstrate flexible thinking and goal-directed behavior in the resolution of criminal justice issues.

Minimum Grade Policy

The Criminal Justice program requires a minimum grade of “C-” for program core courses. Students receiving a grade lower than “C-” in any required program core course must retake that course.

CAP (Community and Academic Partnerships)/Co-op Program

In order to provide relevant work experience, students in the Criminal Justice degree program have the option of completing six credit hours via a Co-op assignment. The Co-op option allows students to complete core courses in CRJ 303 Administration of Criminal Justice Organizations and CRJ 450 Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice in a supervised educational work setting related to the student’s major field of study. If students select the Co-op option, both CRJ 303 and CRJ 450 in Co-op format are required. Alternative core courses may also be available for Co-op depending on the field placement. Each Co-op assignment is one semester long and normally the two Co-op assignments span two consecutive semesters with the same employer. In order to be eligible, students must have at least 60 credits, plus a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Students must inform the Director of the CAP/Co-op program and the Criminal Justice Program Chair one semester before they would like to begin a Co-op assignment.

For additional information on the CAP/Co-op program option, please see the website:

CAP/Co-op Program Option

6 credits

CRJ 303Administration of Criminal Justice Organizations


CRJ 450Seminar in Criminal Justice



General Education Requirements (33 credits)

CTA 205

ECO 105Fundamentals of Economics


ENG 121English Composition I


ENG 122English Composition II


ENG 131Public Speaking


HUM 360Human World Views: 3500 BCE–1650 AD


HUM 361Human World Views: 1650 AD–Present


MAT 205Introductory Survey of Mathematics


PHI 100Introduction to Critical Thinking


PSY 101Introduction to Psychology


SOC 101Introduction to Sociology


Humanities Elective (3 credits)

Natural Science Elective (3 credits)

Criminal Justice Core (45 credits)

All criminal justice core courses have the Prerequisite(s) of CRJ 101 and CRJ 205 unless otherwise stated. Non-criminal justice majors who wish to take a course as a free elective should contact the Program Chair for a waiver.

CRJ 101Survey of Criminal Justice


CRJ 205Principles of Criminology


CRJ 206Corrections and Rehabilitation


CRJ 301Juvenile Justice


CRJ 303Administration of Criminal Justice Organizations


CRJ 304Constitutional Law


CRJ 316Criminal Law


CRJ 318Criminal Investigation


CRJ 341Community Corrections


CRJ 350Computer Operations in Criminal Justice


CRJ 410Multicultural Issues in Criminal Justice


CRJ 411Criminal Evidence and Procedures


CRJ 412Ethics in Criminal Justice


CRJ 413Research Methods in Criminal Justice


CRJ 450Seminar in Criminal Justice


Criminal Justice Electives (18 credits)

Courses beginning with the prefix CRJ, LES, ORG, POL, PSY, or SOC may be used as criminal justice electives.

Free Electives (18 credits)

Suggested Program Sequence


1st Semester

CTA 205

CRJ 101Survey of Criminal Justice


ENG 121English Composition I


FYE 101First Year Experience Seminar


SOC 101Introduction to Sociology


2nd Semester

CRJ 205Principles of Criminology


ENG 122English Composition II


MAT 205Introductory Survey of Mathematics


PHI 100Introduction to Critical Thinking


PSY 101Introduction to Psychology



1st Semester

CRJ 304Constitutional Law


CRJ 206Corrections and Rehabilitation


ENG 131Public Speaking


PSY 101Introduction to Psychology


Humanities Elective

2nd Semester

CRJ 316Criminal Law


CRJ 318Criminal Investigation


CRJ 350Computer Operations in Criminal Justice


ECO 105Fundamentals of Economics


Core Elective

Core Elective: Core electives are courses that begin with the prefix of CRJ, LES, ORG, POL, PSY, SOC.


1st Semester

CRJ 303Administration of Criminal Justice Organizations





CRJ 412Ethics in Criminal Justice


HUM 360Human World Views: 3500 BCE–1650 AD


Core Elective

Free Elective

Core Elective: Core electives are courses that begin with the prefix of CRJ, LES, ORG, POL, PSY, SOC.

2nd Semester

CRJ 301Juvenile Justice


CRJ 341Community Corrections


CRJ 410Multicultural Issues in Criminal Justice


HUM 361Human World Views: 1650 AD–Present


Core Elective

Core Elective: Core electives are courses that begin with the prefix of CRJ, LES, ORG, POL, PSY, SOC.


1st Semester

CRJ 411Criminal Evidence and Procedures


CRJ 413Research Methods in Criminal Justice


Core Elective

Core Elective

Free Elective

Core Elective: Core electives are courses that begin with the prefix of CRJ, LES, ORG, POL, PSY, SOC.

2nd Semester

CRJ 450Seminar in Criminal Justice





Core Elective

Natural Science Elective

Free Elective

Free Elective

Core Elective: Core electives are courses that begin with the prefix of CRJ, LES, ORG, POL, PSY, SOC.

CRJ to MAJ Accelerated Option

This accelerated option will allow eligible CRJ students to have the option of taking up to two selected graduate level courses in place of selected CRJ courses and the opportunity to be formally accepted into the MAJ program prior to completion of the B.S. in Criminal Justice degree.

In order to be eligible, students must have completed 90 undergraduate credits, completed all required 100 and 200 level CRJ courses, as well as CRJ 303 and CRJ 350. Furthermore those students seeking approval for the CRJ/MAJ accelerated option must have obtained an overall GPA of 3.50 or better. Courses taken at the graduate level will fulfill the requirements for both programs.

Students interested in making application may secure the necessary forms and begin the approval process with the Chair of the undergraduate criminal justice program.