
Theater Arts B.A.

Information and Policies

Academic Advising for the Program

General information about theater arts and dance degrees is available on the Theater Arts Department website. Students are also strongly encouraged to consult early with the Theater Arts Department advisor to create an academic plan for the major or a minor far in advance of declaration, as early as the summer before beginning at the university. Please use Slug Success to make an appointment. You may also contact the department advisor by emailing theater-ugradadv@ucsc.edu or calling (831) 459-2974. 

Transfer students—please also see the How to Declare a Major and the Transfer Information and Policy sections below.

Program Learning Outcomes

Our program stresses dance, design, and drama as essential disciplines in the successful practice of theater arts in the contemporary world.

Graduates from the Theater Arts B.A. program should demonstrate the following:

  1. Foundations of Performance. Students should be able to identify and apply basic theatrical techniques in dance, design, and drama.
  2. Theatrical histories and theories. Students should be able to recognize and analyze performance works within the general culture and historical period that produced them.
  3. Performance experience. Students should be able to translate theater arts concepts into performance, participating in any theatrical endeavor with the rigor, discipline, and imagination necessary to make a meaningful contribution.
  4. Research proficiency. Students should be able to formulate personal research questions that expand their knowledge of theater arts, conducting independent research into the history and theory of at least one area of interest.
  5. Creative practice. Students should be able to use theatrical practices and performance experiences to conceive, design, realize, and reflect on new performance projects.
  6. Appreciation of diversity. Students should be able to recognize and appreciate a wide variety of approaches, cultures, and styles in both past and contemporary performance practice.
  7. Communication and critical thinking. Students should be able to use critical vocabularies to communicate clearly about theater arts in written and oral forms.
  8. Collaborative skills. Students should be able to work confidently and effectively in groups on a common project.

Major Qualification Policy and Declaration Process

Major Qualification

Transfer students—please see the How to Declare a Major and the Transfer Information and Policy sections below. 

To declare the major no later than the major declaration deadline in their sixth term, as required by the university, students who start UC Santa Cruz as frosh must meet and make an academic plan with the Theater Arts Department academic advisor (make an advising appointment through Slug Success) and successfully completed three lower-division courses:

One course from:
THEA 61AAncient and Medieval Drama


THEA 61BDrama from the Renaissance to the Modern Age


THEA 61CThe Birth of the Modern: Drama and Performance After the Renaissance


Plus two courses chosen from:
THEA 10Introduction to Theater Design and Technology


THEA 30Introduction to Dance Theory and Technique


Either this course

THEA 20Introductory Studies in Acting


or this course

THEA 21Acting Studio I: Psychological Realism


Either THEA 20 or THEA 21 may be used as one of the three courses taken for declaration eligibility (not both). THEA 20 is a non-audition course designed for students with little or no experience in acting. THEA 21 is appropriate for students with some acting experience and is admission-by-audition (audition requirements are listed when classes are published in the Schedule of Classes). Please speak with the department advisor for more information.

Students who start UC Santa Cruz as frosh are encouraged to complete the three qualification courses as early in their studies as possible so that they may declare the major no later than their sixth quarter, as required by the university.

Appeal Process

Students who are informed that they are not eligible to declare the major may appeal this decision by submitting a letter to the department chair within 15 days from the date the notification was mailed. Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, the department will notify the student and college of the decision. Students should submit their appeal via email to theater-ugradadv@ucsc.edu.

How to Declare a Major

To declare the theater arts major, minor or dance minor all students meet with the academic advisor to begin the declaration process by making an appointment (via Slug Success). 

Students are also required to meet with a faculty advisor (assigned by the academic advisor) as part of the declaration process.

If non-course requirements remain incomplete by the campus deadline (in their sixth quarter for students admitted as frosh, and in their second quarter for transfer students), the student must be allowed to declare the major by the declaration deadline in their next academic term (excluding summer) without appeal.

Transfer students are encouraged to declare the major as soon as possible and may declare as soon as their first quarter on campus after meeting with the Theater Arts Department academic advisor (make an advising appointment through Slug Success). Transfer students may declare the theater arts major even if they have not completed any theater arts courses and must declare a major by the end of their second quarter, as required by the university. Transfer students should also read the notes in the Transfer Information and Policy section.

Transfer Information and Policy

Transfer Admission Screening Policy

Students planning to pursue the theater arts major are not required to audition, submit a portfolio, or complete specific major preparation courses for consideration of admission to UC Santa Cruz.

While not required for admission, transfer students are recommended to complete general education requirements before coming to UC Santa Cruz. Students may also complete courses that are articulated to UC Santa Cruz lower-division theater arts courses before coming to UC Santa Cruz. Please consult with the department advisor for more information.

Getting Started at UC Santa Cruz as a Transfer Student

Transfer students are strongly advised to consult with the Theater Arts Department academic advisor prior to enrolling in classes their first quarter (make an advising appointment through Slug Success, or email theater-ugradadv@ucsc.edu before you have access to that system). 

Transfer students may petition to have equivalent lower-division courses taken at other schools count toward lower-division major or minor requirements and should always consult with the Theater Arts Department academic advisor as early as possible regarding this option.

As stated in the How to Declare a Major section, transfer students may declare the major at any time after coming to UC Santa Cruz and are encouraged to do so as soon as possible, even if they have not completed any theater arts courses. Transfer students entering as juniors must declare a major by the deadline in their second quarter, as required by the university.

Letter Grade Policy

This program does not have a letter grade policy outside the university's Pass/No Pass limit and minimum grade requirement (more information is available on the Pass/No Pass website). 

Study Abroad

There are many opportunities for students to study abroad, potentially fulfilling major or minor requirements. Credits earned through study abroad programs or off-campus programs are considered on a case-by-case basis by the department faculty. Please consult with the department academic advisor about this process.

It is important to learn about requirements and deadlines as early as possible from the Study Abroad/Global Learning office and then to carefully plan with department and college advisors. Some required courses at UC Santa Cruz are only offered in certain quarters, for example, and therefore careful planning is essential. 

Please read more about study abroad opportunities on the Global Engagement website.

Requirements and Planners
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Course Requirements

The theater arts major requires seven lower-division courses, six credits of course THEA 50, and eight upper-division courses (inclusive of a senior seminar course, THEA 185). Majors may organize their studies around an area of interest in accordance with the requirements outlined below.

Credits earned via a study abroad program, such as the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP), or other off-campus programs are considered on a case-by-case basis by the department chair. Students should consult with their department and college advisors before planning studies outside of UC Santa Cruz. Please read more about study abroad opportunities on the Global Learning website.

Lower-Division Courses

One of the following courses:
THEA 20Introductory Studies in Acting


THEA 21Acting Studio I: Psychological Realism


Plus all of the following courses:
THEA 10Introduction to Theater Design and Technology


THEA 30Introduction to Dance Theory and Technique


THEA 61AAncient and Medieval Drama


THEA 61BDrama from the Renaissance to the Modern Age


THEA 61CThe Birth of the Modern: Drama and Performance After the Renaissance


Plus the following course (three times):
THEA 50Fundamentals of Theater Production


NOTE: this 2-credit course must be taken three times for a total of six credits. Students are highly encouraged to complete all six required credits of THEA 50 before their last two quarters, and to contact the department advisor early to learn about the unique enrollment process for the class.

Plus one course

One lower-division 5-credit elective course.

Upper-Division Courses

Eight upper-division courses must be taken as part of the major, as specified here:

The following course:
THEA 160Dramatic Theories


Plus two studio courses chosen from:
THEA 103
/ART 143T
Design Concept Development


THEA 106
/ART 146T
Digital Illustration


THEA 114Sound Design and Engineering for the Theater


THEA 115ADesign Studio: Scenic Design


THEA 115BDesign Studio: Scenic Design B


THEA 117
/ART 147T
Design Studio: Costume


THEA 117AAdvanced Costume Construction


THEA 118Design Studio: Scene Painting


THEA 119Design Studio: Lighting Studio B


THEA 120Voice and Movement for Performers


THEA 121Acting Studio II: Shakespeare


THEA 123Acting and Shakespeare


THEA 124Movement for Performers


THEA 126Acting Studio III


THEA 126MThe Meisner Technique: A Practical Exploration


THEA 131ADance Studio II: Asian or Asian Diasporic Practice


THEA 131CDance Studio II: Advanced Contemporary Forms and Practices


THEA 135Choreography I


THEA 136Choreography II


THEA 141Play Direction Studio I


THEA 142Play Direction Studio II


THEA 152Advanced Stagecraft


THEA 155Shakespeare to Go


THEA 157Playwriting


THEA 159Advanced Playwriting


Optional: If a theater arts major takes more than the one required faculty-directed production course (listed in the separate section below), the second may be used toward one of the two upper-division studio course requirements.

Plus two history/theory/critical studies courses, chosen from:
THEA 100AAsian Theater/Dance and Global Impacts


THEA 100BBlack Theater USA


THEA 100CCourts, Courtesans, Shamans, and Clowns: Asian Drama


THEA 100WBlack/African Diasporic World Theater


THEA 104Multimedia Authoring


THEA 108Theater and Interaction Design


THEA 113The History of Design for Theater


THEA 116AHistory of Clothing and Costume


THEA 122Indian Performance: Rama, Siva, Krishna


THEA 161CTheater and Drama of the Renaissance


THEA 161DAsian Theater: An Anthropological Approach


THEA 161HShakespeare In Asia


THEA 161MSexuality, Gender, Drama, and Performance


/LALS 161P
Theater in the Chicano Power Movement


THEA 161QQueer Theatricks: Representations and Sensibilities


THEA 161RTheater of American Cultures


THEA 161SAmerican Drama: Politics and Theater


THEA 161TWomen in Theater


THEA 161UPerformance of Story in Theater and Film


/COWL 161Y
Modern Ancient Drama


THEA 163AShakespeare


THEA 163EChekhov and His Impact


THEA 163GSpecial Studies in Playwrights: Artaud


THEA 163HHenrik Ibsen and His Impact: Ghosts of the Future


THEA 163KSpecial Studies in Playwrights: Euripides


THEA 164Issues in Dance History and Theory


THEA 165Dance Modernism


THEA 166Ballet: A History


THEA 167Africanist Aesthetics: Live Dialogues in the Americas and Africa


Plus one upper-division elective:

This may be any course listed in the upper-division studio section or the history/theory/critical studies sections above that is not being used to fulfill another requirement.

Plus one faculty-directed theater arts production course:
THEA 137Studies in Performance (Dance)


THEA 137AStudies in Performance (Dance): Asian


THEA 151Studies in Performance (Drama)


THEA 151AStudies in Performance: African American Theater Arts Troupe


THEA 151IStudies in Performance: Indonesian Dance and Drama


THEA 155Shakespeare to Go


Plus this comprehensive requirement course:
THEA 185Senior Seminar


The following courses DO NOT satisfy theater arts major requirements:
THEA 55AWorkshop in Performance: Barnstorm


THEA 55BWorkshop in Performance: Barnstorm Lab


THEA 139Random: With a Purpose


THEA 158Chautauqua Workshop


THEA 190Group Projects


THEA 198Independent Field Study


THEA 199Tutorial


Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement

Students of every major must satisfy that major’s upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement. The DC Requirement in Theater Arts B.A. is met by completion of the required courses:

THEA 160Dramatic Theories


THEA 185Senior Seminar


Comprehensive Requirement

THEA 185Senior Seminar



Below are planners for frosh and junior transfer students.

Please note that LD = lower division (courses numbered 1–99), and UD = upper division (courses numbered 100–199).

Current course offerings can be found on the department website.

Four-Year Frosh Planner

  Fall Winter Spring
Year 1 (Frosh) THEA 20 or THEA 21 THEA 61B
(offered winter qtr only)
(offered spring qtr only)
    THEA 10
Year 2 (Soph) THEA 61A
(offered fall qtr only)
THEA LD Elective THEA UD Studio
THEA 30 [Faculty-Directed Production – see info. below]  
THEA 50 (2-credit) THEA 50 (2-credit) THEA 50 (2-credit)
Year 3 (Jr) THEA UD Studio THEA UD History/Theory/Crit Studies THEA 160 (offered spring qtr only; this is the prerequisite for THEA 185)
THEA UD History/Theory/Crit Studies THEA UD Elective  
Year 4 (Sr) THEA 185 (offered fall qtr only; prerequisite is THEA 160)    

The specific courses shown in this four-year planner satisfy the IM, PR-C, and TA general education (GE) requirements. Other courses taken to fulfill major requirements may fulfill additional GE requirements. Students must satisfy all GE requirements. Students should consult their college advising office with any questions about GEs.

Faculty-Directed Production: Participation in one Faculty-Directed Production is a requirement for the theater arts major [separate from THEA 50 production courses]. Enrollment is by audition or interview; therefore, it is important that students begin trying to fulfill the requirement as early as possible as it cannot be predicted when they will be cast or chosen to participate. Contact the department advisor for information: theater-ugradadv@ucsc.edu. Details can also be found in the Theater Arts Undergraduate Handbook.

Two-Year Transfer Planner

  Fall Winter Spring
Year 1 (Jr) THEA 61A
(offered fall qtr only)
(offered winter qtr only)
(offered spring qtr only)
THEA 20 or THEA 21 THEA 30 THEA 160 (offered spring qtr only; this is the prerequisite for THEA 185)
THEA 10 [Faculty-Directed Production—see info. below] THEA LD elective
  THEA 50 (2-credit) THEA 50 (2-credit)
Year 2 (Sr) THEA 185 (offered fall qtr only; prerequisite is THEA 160) THEA UD History/Theory/Crit Studies THEA UD History/Theory/Crit Studies
THEA UD studio THEA UD studio THEA UD elective
THEA 50 (2-credit)    

In addition to the specific courses shown in this transfer planner, students must complete (or must have completed at another institution) courses satisfying all general education (GE) requirements. Students should consult their college advising office with any questions about GEs.

Faculty-Directed Production: Participation in one 5-credit Faculty-Directed Production class is a requirement for the theater arts major (separate from THEA 50 production classes). Enrollment is by audition or interview; therefore, it is important that students begin trying to fulfill the requirement as early as possible as it cannot be predicted when they will be cast or chosen to participate. Contact the department advisor for information: theater-ugradadv@ucsc.edu. Details can also be found in the Theater Arts Undergraduate Handbook.