Graduate Student Association

The Graduate Student Association (GSA) is an organization of all graduate students at UCSC. 

The GSA advocates for graduate student interests with regard to tuition and fees, health insurance, transportation, housing, graduate student well-being, support for marginalized grad students, and other important issues. The GSA ensures graduate student representation on campus committees and works with the campus and UC administration to implement GSA goals. The GSA also works with statewide and UC-wide bodies to represent the UCSC graduate community beyond our campus.

The GSA awards research and travel grants to graduate students and also organizes and co-sponsors events for graduate students, including international graduate students and grads from historically marginalized communities.

The GSA is funded by student fees and operated by an executive board. Graduate students elect representatives from departments which offer graduate degrees to participate on the GSA Council. The council meets three times per quarter to strategize around and discuss issues that impact graduate students. For more information, contact the GSA website or email