Course Catalog

Computer Science (Minor)

Computing technology pervades our experience, both in the workplace and in our personal lives. An understanding of technology and its application, as well as the development of strong technical problem solving skills, are valuable to every undergraduate. Students from a wide range of majors frequently minor in Computer Science. Students choose from the following options:

Minor Requirements

Web Development

This option provides a strong technical background for anyone wishing to develop web-based applications.

Students will learn HTML, JavaScript/ES6+, Node.js, and database design and implementation, as well as the network infrastructure upon which web applications are built, including security considerations.

CS 110Foundations of Information Technology


CS 112Introduction to Computer Science


CS 221Database Management Systems


CS 227Computer Networks


CS 321Web-Centric Programming


Software Development

This option provides an introduction to software development and programming. It is appropriate for anyone who is considering a major in Computer Science or who is interested in application programming.

The curriculum includes:

CS 112Introduction to Computer Science


CS 221Database Management Systems


CS 232Data Structures


CS 330Structure and Organization of Programming Language


CS 335Software Engineering



A custom-designed minor consisting of five courses may be proposed by students to achieve their specific goals. Faculty members are available to help students design this minor. The Computer Science and Information Technology faculty must approve the final proposal.