Course Catalog

Dietetic Internship Program


The Department of Nutrition offers an ACEND-accredited dietetic internship program to prepare graduates with an earned master’s degree and DPD verification statement for entry-level dietetic practice and eligibility for the registration examination to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. The internship is offered either as a stand-alone internship (for those with a Master’s degree) or combined with our master’s degree in an MSDI program. There are two concentrations available within the dietetic internship, including a concentration in community dietetics practice, and an accredited concentration in the treatment of eating disorders. Up to twelve students may be accepted into our full-time standalone internship program. Up to another twelve students may be accepted each year into our two-year combined MSDI track. Our students benefit from rotations in acute care, food service, public health, community health, state government-based or non-profit nutrition, counseling, and education and research and professional practice.

As noted, we have two accredited concentrations within the dietetic internship. All interns are placed into our community nutrition upon accepting the match. In this concentration, our students learn to practice based on evidence-based research, using culturally and economically sensitive standards of practice. This concentration’s focus is on providing nutritional interventions which emphasize wellness promotion and disease prevention and management.

Students in the MSDI or those in the stand-alone internship program who have previously taken NUTR 420 (Treatment of Eating Disorders) at Simmons University, may choose to apply to the treatment of eating disorders concentration. Acceptance into the eating disorder concentration is based on space available and an application process to determine readiness for the program. In this concentration, students spend 8-12 weeks in eating disorder treatment rotations in a variety of settings from in-patient to private practice. Once accepted into the concentration, the intern must complete NUTR 420 with a grade of B or better, and complete at least 8  weeks of supervised practice in various settings of supervised practice that specialize in eating disorder treatment.

Because of new operational standards of practice, the field of dietetics is constantly evolving. Students who complete either concentration of the dietetic internship program graduate as entry-level practitioners ready to take the Registered Dietitian (RD) exam. 

Learning Outcomes

For the program mission, goals and outcomes please see:

Admission Requirements 


To be eligible to apply to the Simmons Dietetic Internship Program, applicants must hold at least an undergraduate degree (for the MSDI) or graduate degree (for the stand-alone) from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university or from an institution of higher education abroad that is recognized by the Ministry of Education in the home country. Additionally, the applicant must have completed the requisite courses from an ACEND-approved Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), and have a verification statement of completion from their DPD Director.


Admission Decisions and Matching Process:
Matching Process: The Match Day will occur through the DND Digital website in April 2023 and personal match results will be available to applicants.

Delivery Modes Available 

Both the stand-alone DI and MSDI are full-time programs. While the MS portion can be done online, students must be within driving distance of Simmons to complete the supervised practice portion.



Program Requirements

Acute Care/Clinical Rotation (11 weeks) 

Interns are placed in a community hospital setting or long-term care facility including a rehabilitation unit. Affiliated clinical settings offer a variety of services to ensure a well-rounded and varied experience. Interns gain experience in nutrition screening, charting, developing nutrition care plans, enteral and parenteral nutrition, and interacting with patients and health care professionals. They start their experience by working on simpler tasks and advancing to more complex tasks as their experience proceeds.  

Food Service Rotation (4 weeks) 

Interns are assigned to a community-based food service location to complete their food service requirements. The location may be a school food service, community hospital, long-term care food service, or any other community-based organization that will provide an appropriate experience. Students learn how a food service operation functions and begin to develop managerial skills through observation and practice. Students also become familiar with the nutritional procedures and forms that are required by state and federal mandates in various facilities. 

Community Rotations (16 weeks for Community Nutrition Concentration, fewer for eating disorder concentration) 

Interns are placed in a variety of community settings including community health centers, hospital outpatient departments, state and local public health agencies, food banks, and government agencies. Placement occurs based on preferences expressed by the incoming intern, the ability to access a site based on the intern’s available transportation, and the achievement of a balance of exposures to different demographic groups with consideration of factors such as age, socio-economic status, and ethnicity.

Professional Practice Rotations (1-2 weeks)

Interns will have the option to choose a practice setting for their professional practice experience and set up their rotations based on their interests.

Eating Disorder Concentration Rotations (8-12 weeks required for the eating disorder concentration)

Interns accepted into the concentration on the treatment of eating disorders will spend approximately 8-12 weeks in specialty rotations that serve clients in treatment for an eating disorder. Interns will experience different levels of care which may include hospitalized inpatient, residential programs, partial hospitalization programs, outpatient programs, and private practice. The exact number of weeks may change based on site availability, as well as the intern’s interests and professional goals. Interns will receive professional supervision from experts in the treatment of eating disorders while in their specialty rotations.

Licensure, certification, etc.

The Dietetic Internship is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND).

Our students complete this program as entry-level practitioners ready to take the Registered Dietitian (RD) exam. Once they have passed the RD exam, they are eligible for licensure states with licensure laws.